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单词 flipper
释义  Related topics: Clothes, Animalsflip·per /ˈflɪpə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. a flat part on the body of some large sea animals such as seals, that they use for swimming 〔海豹等的〕鳍状肢,鳍足2. a large flat rubber shoe that you wear to help you swim faster 〔帮助加快游泳速度的〕脚蹼,鸭脚板,蛙鞋 →5 see picture at 见图 sport1Examples from the Corpusflipper• He held his spear gun out in front of him with the safety off and used his flippers to keep facing the fish.• A dolphin drew alongside, and by counter-opposing its flippers, barrel-rolled right in front of his mask.• All eventually disappeared except the rorqual's flippers and teeth, for which the Marine Biological Laboratory had put in a request.• A boy born with flippers, which never ceased twitching.nFlipper  na US television programme from the 1960s in which a family become friends with a dolphin that they call ‘Flipper’flip·per nounFlipperLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  flat Corpus body of a on the part




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