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单词 fleshy
释义  Related topics: Biology, Plantsflesh·y /ˈfleʃi/ adjective  1  HBhaving a lot of flesh 多肉的 the fleshy part of your hand 你手上肉厚的部分2  HBPhaving a soft thick inner part 肉质的 a plant with fleshy leaves 长有肉质叶片的植物Examples from the Corpusfleshy• His mouth was fleshy and curly.• It was big and fleshy and the vultures hadn't touched it - even the eyes were still in place.• He then knelt down, took out his small, sharp penknife and cut into the fleshy area between Adam's toes.• On her lips-a burst of crimson asymmetrical skeptical fleshy business-and-dream sensuality-the cigarette scorching away at the tip.• a round, fleshy face• He sat on his stool, his hands in his aproned lap, his big fleshy head swaying to the music.• The face itself, middle-aged, was fleshy, healthy, bossy.• The plant has dark green fleshy leaves.• Visible for a modest $ 2 per person fee, the nine paintings show satyr-like men grappling uncertainly with fleshy nude women.• If necessary protect any fleshy surfaces with foil.flesh·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  a Corpus flesh lot having of




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