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单词 Unreliable
1. Statistics can be notoriously unreliable.
2. His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was.
3. Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. He's totally unreliable as a source of information.
5. "He's so unreliable!" she said crossly.
6. The car's becoming very unreliable.
7. The local bus service is notoriously unreliable.
8. The local hospital care is primitive and unreliable.
9. The mail here's really slow and unreliable.
10. Opinion polls are an unreliable predictor of election outcomes.
11. Supplies of everything are unreliable, food is short.
12. Her old car was unreliable, so the trip was plagued by breakdowns.
13. Several unreliable dealers have been struck off our list of authorized suppliers.
14. She was totally unreliable, so she got / was given her marching orders.
15. Dismissal of the last piece of evidence as unreliable would severely affect our case.
16. His sudden departure demonstrates that he's unreliable/how unreliable he is.
17. She decided to divorce her increasingly faithless and unreliable husband.
18. The lamps look, to say the least, unreliable.
19. However, averages are notoriously unreliable.
20. The trains are notoriously unreliable.
21. She knew her foster brother was unreliable.
22. Telephone service in most of the country is unreliable.
23. Local telephone service is unreliable.
24. The unemployed are often labelled as lazy or unreliable.
25. He had an unreliable car.
26. Managers had complained that the workers were lazy and unreliable.
27. I shall prove to you that the witness is quite unreliable.
28. Rail travel in Britain seems to be getting more and more unreliable.
29. Dinah missed the last rehearsal, but then she always was unreliable, wasn't she?
30. I was taken in by the salesman — the car turned out to be uneconomical and unreliable.
1. Statistics can be notoriously unreliable.
2. His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was.
3. Managers had complained that the workers were lazy and unreliable.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.
5. I shall prove to you that the witness is quite unreliable.
6. I was taken in by the salesman — the car turned out to be uneconomical and unreliable.
31. Frequently, evolved programs are rejected as somehow unreliable, and a human is used instead.
32. Increasing mobility and various social changes have made the traditional family an unreliable source of old-age support.
33. No longer does evidence of authenticity have to rely solely on stylistic criteria, which can be unreliable.
33. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
34. In April the notoriously unreliable official figure for the state's unemployment rate dropped for the second month running - to 8.6%.
35. Odometer readings are of course notoriously unreliable as a guide to the distance travelled by the car.
36. They were large, costly, rather unreliable and required a dedicated data processing team to support them.
37. Blood and muscle, and the unreliable human fuses and tissue.
38. The difficulties of counting whales makes most population figures extremely unreliable.
39. And he was an unreliable ambassador for California, with only the Oaklawn victory to show for nine trips out of state.
40. The Gospels, as we have said before, are unreliable as historical documents.
41. At one extreme was an electroplating plant where management took the view that operators were unintelligent and unreliable.
42. Each of us carries an unreliable ankle for instance, and Tony had just given his a jolt.
43. As so frequently occurs in warfare, the earliest engagements proved to be unreliable indicators of what was to follow.
44. Although the Newtonian equations governing the elements are well known, long-term weather prediction is notoriously unreliable!
45. Jayasuriya's unassuming darts were well directed and by the time he was bowling, the pitch was unreliable.
46. Bailey and Harrison found that for certain types of passage cloze scores were potentially unreliable indicators of comprehension.
47. This deliberate emphasis on the young people's unreliable and hurtful past relationships poses a dilemma for residential workers.
48. Government growth projections for National Income have been notoriously unreliable, often excessively optimistic.
49. Naturally, during the process of test construction, those items which are particularly unreliable are excluded.
50. We often justify the fact that routinely-collected information is seldom used by saying that it is unreliable.
51. Speech does, of course, live on in memory but, as we all know, memory can be very unreliable.
52. The more he needed people, the more he saw how unreliable they were.
53. But this is unreliable, and can cause the machine to crash.
54. Often the results are wrong, inadequate, untrustworthy, unreliable, and self-serving.
55. Nuclear power stations are notoriously unreliable and construction costs go way over original estimates.
56. Service delivery is unreliable, and top jobs in key departments have gone unfilled for months.
57. We could ask our neighbours to feed the cat, but they're a little unreliable.
58. He opined that B's confession was unreliable; no rebuttal medical evidence was called by the Crown.
59. These are experimental and slightly unreliable weapons, but extremely deadly when they work properly.
60. Clearly one source is unreliable, and the interpretations which it offers are heavily biased.
61. This is not recommended because it is unreliable for large strings of data.
62. Steps are often taken to minimise risk where mental infirmity makes old people unreliable in their behaviour.
63. She did not dare to stop or rest because immediately she was surrounded by offers of unreliable help.
64. The concept of the unreliable narrator becomes a critique of the author himself.
65. They are powerful if unreliable weapons, and each one is a valuable artifact(), encrusted with baroque decoration and intricate designs.
66. An abundance of unreliable information and consequent loss of user-confidence.
67. He was given an ancient, unreliable car and in this he made long journeys and addressed crowded meetings.
68. Chain-up was slow, breakfast abandoned, the two-step became a slow drag over soupy grass and unreliable earth.
69. Its only drawback is that it can be somewhat unreliable.
70. She divorced me because of my unreliable behaviour and adultery, but wherever I go she is in my thoughts.
71. Microsoft recommends it only when the power supply is unreliable or when you are engaged in certain kinds of development work.
72. Published bibliographies rarely give level indicators, and publishers' information tends, in this respect, to be unreliable.
73. Aspects of the revolt gave further illustration of the unreliable loyalty of sections of the armed forces.
74. In their view, the automatic machinery was unreliable and the management was wrong to attempt to wrest controls from the shop-floor.
75. But the team had been caught unawares, their information unreliable.
76. Nor is the fact that a document is biased a reason for dismissing the document as worthless or unreliable.
77. The vocational profession of Alpine shepherd is on the wane, an arduous life with unreliable income.
78. Calls are expensive, networks unreliable, waits to get a line installed measured in years or even decades.
79. District nurses were made available to help mum look after me, though they were very unreliable.
80. Statistics can be notoriously unreliable, particularly in a sport as emotionally excitable as football.
81. Experts say that many clearance rates often are unreliable measures of police performance.
82. The army preferred to keep order without the aid of unreliable military units.
83. Prosecutors said the allegation was made long ago by an unreliable supergrass, and no investigation is expected.
84. This shows that the presence of symptoms is unreliable as a predictor of recurrence.
85. Any system which depends on human reliability is unreliable.
86. Mechanical switching is inherently slow and frequently unreliable.
87. Basically, they are unreliable and goofy.
88. Third, the anti - down unreliable process.
89. They are two of a kind and totally unreliable.
90. I have it from unreliable sources that the cost of the voyage Isabella originally underwrote for Columbus was approximately $30,000.
91. On the basis of the relationship between the narrator and the hidden author, we sort the narrators of Truffaut and Godard into reliable and unreliable ones.
92. This fellow is always chopping and changing ; he's very unreliable.
93. Furthermore, distributed GLD codes with imperfect relay nodes are investigated and the effects on the system performance and the overall code rate resulting from unreliable relays are also analyzed.
93. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
94. The effect of colinearity is to make the regression coefficients unreliable.
95. TDP provides a reliable transport layer, even though the service it uses ( IP ) is unreliable.
96. If are unreliable but always keep up appearances , you will be thought very reliable by everyone.
97. An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person a scoundrel or rascal.
98. His imaginative use of point of view, interior monologue and possibly unreliable narrators in his own novels and tales brought a new depth and interest to narrative fiction.
99. Unreliable IOP measuring with the tonometer is mainly connected with nonobservance of the tonometry 's methodology and with inadequate researcher's experience.
100. As a result, rape statistics have a reputation of being unreliable, and international comparisons are problematical.
101. It works well for small sites but is wildly unreliable for large ones and tends to severely underreport the count.
102. Garbage in, garbage out ; the acronymous expression of the concept that the results produced from unreliable or useless data are equally unreliable or useless.
103. In many industrial countries, figures on farmers'incomes are unreliable or unavailable.
104. Casting the variable to a Boolean type is unreliable, but each of the following alternatives will work.
105. Many scientists in the 20th century dismissed such findings as unreliable, usually influenced by anthropomorphism, in other words, judging animals by human attributes.
106. On one side, the affair highlights the fecklessness of U.S. policy makers, who did nothing while an unreliable regime acquired a stranglehold on key materials.
107. As a result, climatology models for the region have been based on summer data and are unreliable.
108. First, any bad-mouthing could eventually tarnish a mentor's reputation, even if the source is unreliable.
109. Like their fathers they were disloyal and faithless, as unreliable as a faulty bow.
110. Different from the usual complex and unreliable GPS localization methods, an aeromodelling localization algorithm based on a land beaconing network is proposed.
111. Based on the textual analysis of "coloratura" by Li Er, the author maintains that the artistic merit of Li Er's "coloratura" lies in its use of dual narrative technique and the unreliable narration.
112. Because UDP is an unreliable protocol, UDP ports require significantly more time to scan than TCP ports.
113. There is a danger that risks may be passed from hand to hand and end up with unreliable companies, or even inadvertently back in the hands of the original insurer.
114. For the present, therefore, we must reject any conclusion drawn from such completely unreliable reports.
115. Traditional cryptographic encryption can achieve provable security but is unfortunately sensitive to a single bit error, which will cause an unreliable packet to be dropped creating packet loss.
116. Brown is very unreliable; but to give the devil his due, he is a first - class mechanic.
117. New color display technologies like Qualcomm's Mirasol and another MIT IT-offshoot called Pixel Qi proved unreliable and difficult to produce in large quantities.
118. Join up with her? Not on your life. She is unreliable. Trust her and you die.
119. Now a report that handwriting tests could a competitor to the familiar, but unreliable lie detector.
120. But so - called decision standard advanced by Hilbert and Aackermann and used by Klaus is unreliable.
121. As we know, developing software in the traditional way is tremendously labor intensive, slow and discouragingly unreliable.
122. SEDER BOQER, Israel — Renewable energy is often intermittent and unreliable, but with the right storage technology, it can become a substitute for baseline power.
123. Remote workers, however, are typically connected over slow, unreliable wired or wireless networks.
124. Cecilia Cheung refers to someone dishonest, unreliable, causing distress to the actress.
125. As any experienced scale-out-oriented admin can tell you, TFTP is unreliable and does not scale.
126. His judgement was unreliable.
127. We shopkeepers hear so muchbut all of it is unreliable gossip.
128. Machines have three states, namely, perfect state, usable state and failure state, the states of the machines can transfer to each other, and the buffer is unreliable.
129. It's based on a jailhouse confession in part, which is notoriously unreliable form of evidence.
130. The errorless naturally accurate airways field serving reliably carries out flight time , that those can not carry out flight time airways service is unreliable.
131. If you're reliable but never keep up appearances , you will be thought unreliable by most.
132. Traditional magnetic particle inspection of the head of steel tube was time-consuming, strenuous and unreliable.
133. He says camera traps have identified 24 and the rest have been calculated using the unreliable pugmark method.http://
134. It provides three different kinds of transaction services, namely, unreliable one-way, reliable one-way and reliable two-way transactions.
135. And acrimonious it is. The chief of Pakistan's top intelligence service is, for example, reported to have told lawmakers that "America is an unreliable ally," presumably in sharp contrast with China.
136. TCP, on the other hand, provides a reliable transport layer using the unreliable service of IP.
137. Because it is packet-oriented, ICMP is an unreliable host-to-host datagram service in a system of interconnected networks, offering no guarantee of delivery.
138. What happens next, now that Wall Street has proven an unreliable compass point?
139. Therefore , this principle is iffy and deficientThe confusion on basic concepts will lead to unreliable solutions.
140. Different from the usual complex and unreliable GPS(global positioning system) localization methods, an aeromodelling localization algorithm based on a land beaconing network is proposed.




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