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单词 flank
释义  Related topics: Biology, Armyflank1 /flæŋk/ noun [countable]  1. HBthe side of an animal’s or person’s body, between the ribs and the hip 胁部,胁腹 →5 see picture at 见图 horse12  PMASIDEthe side of an army in a battle, or a sports team when playing 〔军队或球队的〕侧翼 We were attacked on our left flank. 我们的左翼受到攻击。3. SIDEthe side of a hill, mountain, or very large building 〔山或大型建筑物的〕侧面Examples from the Corpusflank• The adult male's back and flanks are azure blue, shading to yellowish on the belly.• Similar trends in reservoir quality are noted with a detectable improvement in reservoir quality towards the basin flank.• Four 109s came in on the left flank, firing from such a ridiculous range that Patterson knew the pilots were inexperienced.• With one fierce and skilful kick of his aching foot he will mend a deep concavity in the refrigerator's flank.• He lay the back of his hand against the flank.• An angular unconformity recognised in the Upper Carboniferous on the flanks of the London-Brabant Massif was of particular interest in this respect.• I was out on the flank with my platoon, and to my right was some high elephant grass.flank2 verb [transitive]  WITHto be on both sides of someone or something 位于…两侧 Lewis entered flanked by two bodyguards. 刘易斯在左右两名保镖的陪同下走了进来。 mountains flanking the road 公路两旁的群山→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusflank• Parked outside her flat, the 325i gleams, its perfect lines embarrassing the cars flanking it.• A review of the honey bees is flanked by a fascinating description of the less well known bumble bees.• At length they came to another smaller gate, flanked by a gloriously lopsided storybook cottage.• Further round soared the precipitous south west rockface of Baruntse, flanked by its satellite range of peaks.• Canning and Lamb were flanked by police in the oak-panelled courtroom and stared straight ahead throughout the hearing, saying nothing.• Occasionally, like a liner, they passed an estancia with stables and a drive flanked by poplars and sailed on.• The façade is flanked by symmetric towers.• Somehow, he managed to flank Pat Buchanan on the right, to no avail.Origin flank1 (1000-1100) Old French flancflank1 nounflank2 verbChinese  an or side animal’s of person’s the Corpus




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