随便看 |
- College-topic master's
- College-topic master's degree
- College-topic master's degree
- College-topic matriculate
- College-topic matriculate
- College-topic mature student
- College-topic mature student
- College-topic MBA
- College-topic MBA
- College-topic MEd
- College-topic MEd
- College-topic medic
- College-topic medic
- College-topic medical school
- College-topic medical school
- College-topic MFA
- College-topic MFA
- College-topic midterm
- College-topic midterm
- College-topic Military Academy
- College-topic Military Academy
- College-topic minor
- College-topic minor
- College-topic MLitt
- College-topic MLitt
- Somalian
- Jamaican
- Ethiopian
- Peppercorn
- Bite the hand that feeds one
- Transferase
- Baclofen
- Backfill
- Cut rate
- Through line
- 丙驭吐茵是什么意思
- 丙驭吐茵是什么意思
- 业余的意思,业余的近义词,反义词,造句
- 业余话剧团体——戏剧协社
- 业刻木如锯齿,古无文字,用以记日行之事数也。一事毕则去一刻,事俱毕则尽去之,谓之修业。更事则再刻如前。大事则大刻,谓之大业;多事则多刻,谓之广业。士农工商所业不同,谓之常业;农为士则改刻,谓之易业。古人未有一生无所业者,未有一日不修业者,故古人身修事理而无怠惰荒宁之时,常有忧勤惕励之志。一日无事则一日不安,惧业之不修而旷日之不可也。今也昏昏荡荡,四肢不可收拾,穷年终日无一猷为,放逸而入于禽兽者,无
- 业务员的伟大创造
- 业患不能精,无患有司之不明。行患不能成,无患有司之不公。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 业无信不存
- 业无高卑志当坚,男儿有求安得闲
- 业无高卑志当坚,男儿有求安得闲
- 业有不得不废时,至于德,则自有知以至无知时,不可一息断进修之功也。
- 业精于勤的意思,业精于勤的近义词,反义词,造句
- 业精于勤的意思,业精于勤造句
- 业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随
- 业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随
- Part and parcel句子
- Methodical句子
- In the black句子
- Prescient句子
- Rock the boat句子
- Take the bull by the horns句子
- Snail mail句子
- Murphy's law句子
- Sharp practice句子
- Read between the lines句子
- By the book句子
- Behind the scenes句子
- Above board句子
- Pink slip句子
- Word of mouth句子