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单词 fishing
释义 Word family  noun fish fishing fishery adjective fishy verb fish adverb fishily  Related topics: Outdoorldoce_103_efish·ing /ˈfɪʃɪŋ/ ●●● S3 noun [uncountable]  1  DLOBBTthe sport or business of catching fish 钓鱼;捕鱼 Fishing is one of his hobbies. 钓鱼是他的一项业余爱好。 Terry’s going fishing at Lake Arrowhead next weekend. 特里下周末要到阿罗黑德湖钓鱼。deep sea/freshwater/saltwater fishing 深海/淡水/咸水捕鱼salmon/trout/bass etc fishing 捕捞三文鱼/鳟鱼/鲈鱼等 → flyfishing →5  See picture of tackle box 钓具箱, fly 假蝇钓钩, spinner 旋式诱饵 ... →4  See picture of 见图 fishing2. be on a fishing expedition American English informalFIND OUT to try to find out secret information by asking a lot of questions about different things 〔通过问大量问题〕打探秘密消息Examples from the Corpusfishing• For the energetic there is snorkelling and fishing, tennis, table tennis and a pool table.• Frozen throughout and fishing is impossible.• Our objectives are to secure the long-term interests of the fishing industry by ensuring effective measures to secure stocks.• Tuition in trout fishing is provided at no charge, along with waders and tackle.salmon/trout/bass etc fishing• Sailing and trout fishing are available for the more active, and opportunities to study the wildlife are being developed.• Admission is free and advice will also be given on coarse fisheries and brown trout fishing.• Such as brown trout fishing, which remains my greatest angling pleasure.• During the low-water flows, trout fishing was exceptional and has been since, although it has tailed off somewhat.• Aside from his artwork, Glendinning and his wife share a passion for trout fishing.• Tuition in trout fishing is provided at no charge, along with waders and tackle.• I settled happily before the blazing fire, musing upon the stupidity of salmon fishing and certain of my·ing nounChineseSyllable   Corpus catching fish sport of the or business




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