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单词 furry
释义  Related topics: Animalsfur·ry /ˈfɜːri/ adjective  1  HBAcovered with fur or short threads 覆盖着毛皮的;毛茸茸的;柔软的 → fluffy furry kittens 毛茸茸的小猫 pink furry slippers 毛茸茸的粉色拖鞋 furry leaves 毛茸茸的叶子2. furry friends informal used humorously to talk about animals in general 毛茸茸的朋友〔幽默用法,泛指动物〕 → feathered friendExamples from the Corpusfurry• As the wall of the small intestine comes into view, you notice that it looks furry.• Your belly is very furry and quite sweet.• Instead, George concentrated his efforts on the few remaining furry areas on an otherwise bare bear.• a furry cap• She wore a tweed coat with a Cairngorm brooch in the lapel and a furry green felt hat.• a furry puppy• I flattened my thin skirt between my bottom and the furry seat.fur·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  covered short Corpus with fur threads or




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