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单词 foolish
释义  fool·ish /ˈfuːlɪʃ/ ●●○ adjective  1  STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEa foolish action, remark etc is stupid and shows that someone is not thinking sensibly 〔行为、话语等〕愚蠢的,傻的 SYN silly I’ve never heard anything so foolish in all my life. 我这辈子从没听到过这么愚蠢的话。 It would be foolish to ignore his advice. 不听他的劝告才傻呢。be foolish enough to do something I was foolish enough to believe him. 我真傻,竟然相信了他。► see thesaurus at stupid RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say silly or stupid rather than foolish: 在日常英语中,人们一般说silly或stupid,而不说foolishIt was a silly thing to say. 那样说真傻。I felt a bit stupid when she said no. 她说不的时候,我感觉有点傻。2  STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEa foolish person behaves in a silly way or looks silly 〔人〕愚笨的,傻瓜似的 SYN stupid I was young and foolish at the time. 我那时候年幼无知。 a foolish grin 傻笑look/feel foolish He’d been made to look foolish. 他被弄得一副傻样。 —foolishly adverb She foolishly agreed to go with them. 她傻乎乎地同意跟他们去。 —foolishness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusfoolish• Jan realised later that her behaviour had been very foolish.• At times his language turned crude and made him look foolish.• Besides being heart-broken she felt foolish and a failure.• Maybe her request sounded foolish, but the prospect of facing Robert after everything that had happened between them was disturbing.• I think the board of directors made a foolish choice that it will later regret.• The current tuberculosis epidemic, which threatens the entire population with antibiotic-resistant strains, is the result of one such foolish cutback.• a foolish decision• It was a warning she would have been foolish to ignore.• It is foolish to think, therefore, that any social, cultural affair or any language has remained the foolish enough to do something• He sincerely hoped that the Navigator would never be foolish enough to try to charm Meh'Lindi into his bed.• Just a few days ago I was foolish enough to allow my hopes to rise.• The good Duke was foolish enough to make enquiries about certain precious relics and the King's agents closed in.• Woe betide anyone who is foolish enough to leave his rod unattended when barbel fishing.look/feel foolish• A more devious theory is that the whole red-mercury affair is simply a fantasy dreamt up to make Mr Rutskoi look foolish.• Another bird: This bird made the first bird feel foolish.• Besides being heart-broken she felt foolish and a failure.• Now it looked foolish and out of place.• In public he felt foolish beside her.• Oliver said he felt foolish running away and it would be best to slow and let the man pass.fool·ish adjective →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable  a is action, Corpus foolish stupid remark etc




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