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单词 Filofax
释义  Related topics: Daily lifeFi·lo·fax /ˈfaɪləfæks/ noun [countable] trademark  DBa small book for writing addresses, things you must do etc, which has pages you can add or remove 斐来仕万用手册,活页备忘记事本 → personal organizer →4  See picture of 见图 FilofaxExamples from the CorpusFilofax• It was a time when the builder carried a Filofax and the client a pocketful of nails.• But secretly Keith feels a black man with a Filofax looks stupid.• Keith is looking at his Filofax.• Keith is always forgetting his Filofax.• Keith realizes he left his Filofax at home.• Losing his Filofax all the time is a problem.• This works like an individual Filofax where copies of appraisals and checklists of personal targets set by the employee are included.• Couldn't we just throw away our Filofaxes for one afternoon and live a little?From Longman Business DictionaryFilofaxFi‧lo‧fax /ˈfaɪləfæks/ noun [countable] trademarkOFFICE a small book filled with separate sheets of paper on which you write names, addresses, telephone numbers etca Filofax containing lists of clients and orders.Fi·lo·fax nounChineseSyllable  addresses, Corpus must book you Business writing a things small do for




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