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单词 farther
释义  far·ther1 /ˈfɑːðə $ ˈfɑːrðər-/ adverb  1  FARa greater distance than before or than something else; a comparative form of ‘far’ 更远地〔far的一种比较级形式〕 SYN further We decided not to go any farther. 我们决定不再往前走了。farther away/apart/down/along etc The boats were drifting farther and farther apart. 那些小船顺水漂流,彼此距离越来越远。 a resort town farther up the coast 沿海岸更远处的一个度假小镇farther south/north etc Two miles farther south is the village of Santa Catarina. 再往南两英里就是圣卡塔里娜村。 Most of them were locals, but some had come from farther afield (=a greater distance away). 他们大部分是当地人,但也有一些来自较远的地方。2  MORE/EXTRAif you do something farther, you do it more or to a greater degree 在更大程度上,更进一步 SYN further We’d better investigate farther. 我们最好作进一步的调查。 The police decided not to take the matter any farther (=do more about it). 警方决定不再追查此事。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say further rather than farther, and furthest rather than farthest: 在日常英语中,人们一般用further、furthest,而不用farther、farthestWe decided not to take it any further. 我们决定不再追究此事。This was the furthest away from home I’d ever been. 这是我到过的离家最远的地方。Examples from the Corpusfarther• A reduced-power transmission would reach out to the fringe of our force and, it was hoped, not farther.• A third of its people are homeless and many of them have fled Chechnya altogether in search of safety farther afield.• There could be other events, like the flamethrower attack on an observation post farther along the border.• It is now well known that distant galaxies are probably about 10 times farther away than Hubble inferred.• If she strapped them down to make herself look boyish they just stuck out a foot farther down, and ached.• The Navy and its shipyards remain, and have even gained work from closures farther up the coast.farther afield• A third of its people are homeless and many of them have fled Chechnya altogether in search of safety farther afield.• But again, we can go even farther afield.• For those of us who lived farther afield and were dependent on buses, such participation was seldom possible.• Adult birds fail, apparently, to fly farther afield in search of food.• What is more, if we look farther afield, our magnificent 100 feet dwindles into insignificance.• Black takes advantage of the weather to wander farther afield than previously, and Blue follows.• Clubs were cancelling mid-week bookings due to short time and I had to travel farther afield to find work.• As you travel farther afield, you find that none of these things is true.take ... farther• The police will not let us take one step farther.• The capacity to generate electricity has been taken even farther by one fish in the Amazon, the electric eel.• His first excursion from the house took him no farther than the garden.• This, then, takes farther the secret police parable of the first play.farther2 adjective [only before noun]  FARmore distant; a comparative form of ‘far’ 更远的〔far的一种比较级形式〕 SYN further A table stood at the farther end of the kitchen. 厨房的那一头放着一张桌子。Examples from the Corpusfarther• He saw the pond they called the lake and the grey bulk of the Mithraeum on the farther shore.far·ther1 adverb →REGISTER1farther2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  before a comparative Corpus distance greater or a else; than something than




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