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单词 fanciful
释义  fan·ci·ful /ˈfænsɪfəl/ adjective  1  IMAGINEimagined rather than based on facts – often used to show disapproval 想象的,空想的,幻想的〔常含贬义〕 a fanciful story 想象出来的故事 The suggestion that there was a conspiracy is not entirely fanciful. 说有人在搞阴谋,这并不完全是臆想。2  DECORATEfull of unusual and very detailed shapes or complicated designs 奇特的,精细的,花哨的 fanciful decorations 花哨的装饰 —fancifully adverbExamples from the Corpusfanciful• I dismissed the rumors as fanciful.• The notion of some man on a white horse saving the party with a late candidacy is fanciful.• Makine is a good writer, poetic but never fanciful, and one who treats childhood reflected through experience with delicacy.• the fanciful horses on an old-fashioned merry-go-round• a fanciful idea• Having served on the Fed, I find this objection fanciful in the extreme.• The avatar can be a realistic depiction of the actual person or a completely fanciful one.• It fails because it is usually based on fanciful or distorted comparisons.• This is not just some fanciful·ci·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable  based than imagined Corpus on – rather facts often




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