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单词 Relaxin
1. And lastly, they secrete a hormone called relaxin.
2. The heart and vessels are target organs of relaxin.
3. In several animal disease models, relaxin can reverse cardiac fibrosis. Relaxin may also indirectly promote myocardial regeneration and repair by suppressing fibrotic healing.
4. It has been suggested that the hormone relaxin, a hormone of pregnancy,[/relaxin.html] causes this joint laxity in pregnant women.
5. Relaxin helps the pelvis spread so the baby can exit the body, but it also affects the ligaments in the feet, causing a stretching of those ligaments.
6. The researchers point out that the concentration of relaxin in the blood rises during the first trimester of pregnancy, when a woman's heart rate increase by about 40 per cent.
7. Relaxin is a natural human peptide that affects multiple vascular control pathways, suggesting potential mechanisms of benefit for such patients.
8. Following a brief introduction of relaxin family members, receptors and related signalling pathways, we review effects of relaxin on cardiovascular system, particularly, its anti-fibrotic action.
9. It is recently found that relaxin (RLX), a peptide hormone, has an action on heart and vessels, involved in the physiologic and pathological processes of cardiovascular system.
10. Pregnant bodies produce a hormone, relaxin, which softens tissues around the pelvis to prepare it for birth.
11. Chillaxin is a portmanteau of chillin’ and relaxin’, refers to an extreme state of contentedness.
12. Relaxin rapidly inhibits cardiovascular fibrosis and has no effect on normal tissue.
13. The mechanism of IUD-induced menorrhagia is believed to be due to the release of relaxin from endometrial granulocyte.
14. The mechanism of IUD-induced menorrhagia is believed to be due to the release of relaxin from endometrial g...
15. Howeer, recent studies hae found that increased peripheral joint laxity in pregnant women was not associated with increased serum relaxin leels or estradiol leels.




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