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单词 false
释义  false /fɔːls $ fɒːls/ ●●● W3 adjective  1  untrue 不真实的WRONG/INCORRECT a statement, story etc that is false is completely untrue 假的,不真实的 Please decide whether the following statements are true or false. 请判断以下说法的对错。 false accusations 不实的指责 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say not true rather than false, apart from in the fixed expression true or false: 在日常英语中,人们一般说not true,不说false,固定表达方式true or false除外 What he said was false. → What he said was not true. 他的话不是真的。2  wrong 错误的WRONG/INCORRECT based on incorrect information or ideas 不正确的,错的 I don’t want to give you any false hopes. 我不想让你有任何虚假的希望。 The statement gives us a false impression that we understand something when we do not. 这句话使我们产生错觉,以为自己懂了,但其实并没懂。 false assumptions about people of other cultures 对来自其他文化的人的错误假设 a false sense of security (=a feeling of being safe when you are not really safe) 虚假的安全感► see thesaurus at wrong3  not real 不是真的 a) FALSEnot real, but intended to seem real and deceive people 假的,伪造的 The drugs were hidden in a suitcase with a false bottom. 毒品藏在一个有暗底的手提箱里。 The man had given a false name and address. 那男子报了个假名和假地址。 b) FALSEartificial 人造的false teeth/hair/eyelashes etc 假牙/假发/假睫毛等► see thesaurus at artificial4  not sincere 不真诚的PRETEND not sincere or honest, and pretending to have feelings that you do not really have 不真诚的;不诚实的;假装的 She’s so false. 她很假。 a false laugh 假笑 ‘You played brilliantly.’ ‘Not really, ’ Ian replied with false modesty. “你弹得真好。”“哪里。”伊恩故作谦虚地答道。5  false economy something that you think will save you money but which will really cost you more 假省钱,看似节约 It’s a false economy not to have travel insurance. 不买旅游保险看起来省钱了,其实并不划算。6  under false pretences if you get something under false pretences, you get it by deceiving people 以欺诈手段,靠欺骗 He was accused of obtaining money under false pretences. 他被指控诈取钱财。7  false move/step a small movement or action that will result in harm 〔会引起伤害的〕不明智行动 One false move and you’re dead. 走错一步你就完了。8. false imprisonment/arrest the illegal act of putting someone in prison or arresting them for a crime they have not committed 非法监禁/拘留 THESAURUSfalse not real, but intended to seem real and deceive people 假的,伪造的He uses a false name. 他用假名。fake made to look or seem like something else, especially something worth a lot more money 〔尤指很值钱的东西〕伪造的,假冒的fake fur 人造毛皮a fake Rolex watch 假冒的劳力士手表fake designer goods 假名牌商品na fake $100 billforged a forged official document or bank note has been illegally made to look like a real one 〔文件、钞票〕伪造的a forged passport 伪造的护照a forged £50 note 50英镑假钞counterfeit /ˈkaʊntəfɪt $ -tər-/ counterfeit money or goods have been illegally made to look exactly like something else 〔钱或物品〕伪造的,仿造的How do you detect counterfeit currency? 你如何识别假币?counterfeit drugs 假药imitation made to look real – used especially about guns, bombs etc or about materials 〔尤指枪、炸弹等或材料〕仿制的The two men used an imitation firearm to carry out the robbery. 两名男子手持仿真枪实施抢劫。imitation leather/silk/silver 仿皮革/仿真丝/仿银phoney/phony / ˈfəʊni $ ˈfoʊ-/ disapproving informal false – used when you think someone is deliberately trying to deceive people 虚假的〔用于认为某人故意欺骗时〕She put on a phoney New York accent. 她装出一口纽约腔。The doctors were accused of supplying phoney medical certificates. 这些医生被控提供虚假的医疗证明。nThere’s something phoney about him.nphony advertisementsspurious /ˈspjʊəriəs $ ˈspjʊr-/ false and giving a wrong impression about someone or something 虚假的;站不住脚的spurious claims 貌似真实的断言That’s a spurious argument. 那是个站不住脚的论点。The company was trying to get some spurious respectability by using our name. 那家公司正试图利用我们的声誉骗取些许假名声。Examples from the Corpusfalse• Please decide whether the following statements are true or false.• Decide whether these statements are true or false.• These are serious charges that are wholly unfounded and completely false.• Her claims of being able to recall past lives were later proved false.• Her smile and welcome seemed false.• He gave false and misleading statements to the court.• My mother avoided visiting Bali on the quite false assumption that the place is full of tourists.• Many false assumptions were made about the planet Jupiter.• Her suitcase had a false bottom, containing 2 kilos of heroin.• Her face took on a look of false delight.• It did not disconcert Sly that he found himself addressing an audience who were all wearing false dingo ears.• She was heavily made up, with false eyelashes and bright red lipstick.• "Merry Christmas, '' she said with false heartiness.• Taken at face value the words found sinister and can convey a false impression like some sort of second-rate horror movie.• The article gives a totally false impression of life in Russia today.• The title gives a false impression of what the book is actually about.• We were given false information about his background.• He gave the clerk a false name and address in case the police were looking for him.• He gave a false name and address to the police.• Rosenberg had supplied a false name and address.• With these he could begin to construct the illustrated history of his subject, starting with a false name.• The personality itself can he divided into two parts: false personality and personality proper.• Nearly a third of adults in the UK have false teeth.true or false• But is that image true or false?• We have very few beliefs, true or false, about what our beliefs about honey etc. are: why should we?• The problem raised by the theory of ideology is the analysis of knowledge as true or false, according to its social determination.• The facts that we know, true or false, are the facts that we live by.• Notes accompanying the disc offer facts about synthetic fibres, hydrocarbons, and plastics together with true or false quizzes.• Your biggest task is to make your true or false statements challenging for your readers.• And like the film Jaws, true or false, this is a story that will run and run.a false sense of security• Large profits over the last two years have given stock investors a false sense of security.• An attempt to lull him into a false sense of security.• Gone is the wide fast road and its dangerous crossing, where the stripes gave walkers a false sense of security.• Had she allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security?• Perhaps it gives them a false sense of security.• The entire procedure would give a false sense of security.• The reported wind speeds gave everyone a false sense of security.• They preferred their little aerosols of teargas which gave them a false sense of security.• We had been lulled into a false sense of security.false teeth/hair/eyelashes etc• And she can't be the only young girl in the school with a full set of false teeth.• But Robert could have wished the man would get some false teeth.• He rummaged the bed - another fright, his life was full of them - for his false teeth.• Should I have taken the false teeth?• But I remember two things about him-his false teeth and shiny balding head.• The officer was city-bred and educated, so that the false teeth appeared to him in a different light.• Talk of false teeth in this setting?• His lips were intensely smiling and his false teeth shone.false modesty• I say that with no false modesty.• Miranda, while not vain, did not suffer from false modesty.• This was in no way false modesty - he considered engineering one of the highest possible callings.• There is no false modesty here, no subtle, indirect swaggering; the author's honesty rings true.• That was a fact she accepted without false modesty or pride.• It would be false modesty to fail to recognize that it is you that is selling..• It would be false modesty to say that we win games on luck alone.From Longman Business Dictionaryfalsefalse /fɔːlsfɒːls/ adjective1not true or real, but intended to look real in order to deceive peoplefalse and misleading advertisementsFirms issuing false certificates might be subject to lawsuits.2a false economy something that you think will save money but which will really cost you moreIt’s a false economy to hire unqualified staff.Origin false (900-1000) Latin falsus, from fallere “to deceive”false adjective →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  that statement, Business is Corpus etc a story




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