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单词 simple-minded
释义  ˌsimple-ˈminded adjective  STUPID/NOT INTELLIGENTnot very intelligent, and unable to understand complicated things 头脑简单的,愚钝的 SYN simpleExamples from the Corpussimple-minded• The story is simple, not to say simple-minded.• It sounds simple-minded, and perhaps it was, but it was all we could do.• Zen had always derived much amusement from Ellen's simple-minded approach to current affairs.• Nevertheless, by posing questions rather than serving up morals, he's caught some flak from simple-minded gay critics.• An objector will immediately point to the lack of stability of this simple, some will say simple-minded, hierarchy.• Thus Ben Jonson on the simple-minded reading public of 1625.• However simple-minded the above example may appear, it underlines the need for caution in examining the results of statistical computations.• It is hard not to sympathise with those simple-minded viewers and tabloid newspaper editors who mistake the characters for the actors.ˌsimple-ˈminded adjectiveChineseSyllable  to unable not very intelligent, Corpus and understand




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