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单词 facile
释义  fa·cile /ˈfæsaɪl $ ˈfæsəl/ adjective  1  CARELESSa facile remark, argument etc is too simple and shows a lack of careful thought or understanding 〔话语、论点等〕肤浅的,信口开河的 facile generalizations 肤浅的概括2  [only before noun] formalEASY a facile achievement or success has been obtained too easily and has no value 〔成就或成功〕来得容易的 a facile victory 轻易取得的胜利 —facilely adverb —facileness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusfacile• A fifth mistaken approach is the facile assertion that opponents are being inconsistent.• During a given project, the collaboratory notices and remembers which of us are good, even facile, at which tasks.• Every society must be protected from a too facile flow of thought.• The senator is known for making facile judgments on current issues.• It muddles facile loathing of a parody bureaucracy with the great issues of statesmanship.• A crude or facile narrative technique will inevitably fail to achieve the desired ideological objective.• Munro never lets you get away with a facile, one-dimensional take.• It is facile to attribute all childhood problems to poor parenting or social circumstances.• It is facile to employ cost of living indices or indices of neo-natal mortality without knowing how the figures are calculated.Origin facile (1400-1500) French Latin facilis “easy to do”, from facere “to do, make”fa·cile adjectiveChineseSyllable  simple Corpus is remark, etc and facile too shows argument a




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