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单词 facetious
释义  fa·ce·tious /fəˈsiːʃəs/ adjective  JOKING/NOT SERIOUSsaying things that are intended to be clever and funny but are really silly and annoying 乱开玩笑的 Don’t be so facetious! 别这么乱开玩笑! facetious comments 不当的戏谑评论 —facetiously adverb —facetiousness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusfacetious• Unfortunately, there's only room to quote the most pertinent, ie least facetious.• We can be facetious about the examples that I am using.• And then he said something facetious, and she stepped away from him.• In one facetious article he promised to show the government how to double the number of jobs in the railroad industry.• He was being facetious, at least in part.• The speech saying drug users should be shot was clearly facetious, but it contained a serious point.• At the risk of sounding facetious, I have to ask who really cares about all this?• The newspaper ended on a slightly facetious note: Can anybody commit a forgery against himself?• I rang through and I got some old berk being facetious on an Ansaphone.Origin facetious (1500-1600) French facétieux, from facétie “joke”fa·ce·tious adjectiveChineseSyllable  things Corpus saying clever are to intended that be




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