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单词 blame
释义  blame1 /bleɪm/ ●●● S2 W3 verb [transitive]  1  BLAMEto say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad 责怪,指责;把…归咎于 Don’t blame me – it’s not my fault. 别来怪我——又不是我的错。 I blame his mother. She does everything for him. 怪他母亲不好,她什么事都要为他做。blame somebody/something for something Marie still blames herself for Patrick’s death. 玛丽仍在为帕特里克的死自责。 The report blames poor safety standards for the accident. 报告把事故归咎于安全方面没有达标。 The decision to increase interest rates was widely blamed (=blamed by many people) for the crisis. 人们普遍认为加息的决定是引发这场危机的罪魁祸首。blame something on somebody/something One of the computers is broken and she’s blaming it on me. 其中有台电脑坏了,她就怪罪于我。 The crash was blamed on pilot error. 这次空难被认为是飞行员失误造成的。2  somebody/something is to blame (for something) used to say that someone or something is responsible for something bad 某人/某事物(对某事)负有责任 Officials believe that more than one person may be to blame for the fire. 政府官员认为,这场火灾可能不止一个人负有责任。partly/largely/entirely etc to blame Television is partly to blame. 电视也要负部分责任。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say something is someone's fault, rather than saying they are to blame: 在日常英语中,人们一般说something is someone’s fault,而不说someone is to blame He was to blame for the accident. → The accident was his fault. 这起事故是他的错。3  I don’t blame you/you can hardly blame him etc spokenCRITICIZE# used to say that you think it was right or reasonable for someone to do what they did 我不怪你/你不能怪他等〔表示某人做某事可以理解〕 ‘She’s left her husband.’ ‘I don’t blame her, after the way he treated her.’ “她离开她丈夫了。”“他那样对她,也难怪她这样做。” You can hardly blame him for not waiting. 你不能怪他不等你。4  don’t blame me spokenNOT DO something used when you are advising someone not to do something but you think that they will do it in spite of your advice 不要怪我〔用于劝阻某人而又认为某人不会听的时候〕 Buy it then, but don’t blame me when it breaks down. 那就买吧,可是坏了别怪我。5  somebody only has himself/herself to blame spokenFAULT/BE somebody'S FAULT used to say that someone’s problems are their own fault 只能怪他/她自己 If he fails his exams, he’ll only have himself to blame. 如果他考试不及格,那只能怪他自己。 THESAURUSblame verb [transitive] to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad that has happened 责怪,指责;把…归咎于Democrats have blamed Republicans for the failure to reach an agreement. 民主党认为未能达成协议罪在共和党。nPolice blamed bad weather for a series of accidents on the roads.For many years I blamed myself for her death. 我为她的死自责了许多年。nThey blamed the failure of the business on the economic downturn.put/place/lay the blame on somebody/something to say who or what you think is responsible for something bad that has happened, often unfairly or wrongly 把责任推给某人/某事物Don’t try to put the blame on me! 休想把责任推到我头上!nSubsequent investigations placed the blame squarely on city officials.Farmers have laid the blame for their problems entirely on EU policies. 农民把自己的问题全部怪罪于欧盟的政策。say it’s somebody’s fault especially spoken to say that someone is responsible for something bad that has happened 说是某人的错Are you saying it’s my fault that we lost the game? 你是说比赛输了该怪我吗?hold somebody responsible to say that someone is responsible for something bad that has happened, because it was their duty to prevent it from happening 认为某人负有责任He was held personally responsible for the failure of the project. 这个项目失败,他要个人承担责任。ntake the rap informal (also carry the can British English informal) to be blamed and punished for something that you did not do, or that someone else is also responsible forHe expects his wife to take the rap for him.Alan’s colleagues decided to let him carry the can.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusblame• Here again, the vagaries of Government policy are at least partly to blame.• It wasn't my character, but circumstances which were to blame.• Peres is to be blamed for nothing.• The angry Texan blamed his dance partner for tripping him.• It's your idea - don't blame me if it doesn't work.• For many years I blamed myself for her death.• But anomalies like these should not be blamed on linguistics, higher mathematics or the new history.• Democrats have blamed Republicans for the failure to reach an agreement.• Everyone wants to blame the referees when their team loses.• Some of the women blamed their husbands' violence on drinking.• Apple blamed weaker-than-expected demand and pricing pressures.• You had to talk to those dear old folk at the Empress and I don't blame you.blame somebody/something for something• I used to blame my parents for messing up my life.• Dougan blamed the economy for weak Christmas sales.blame2 ●●● S3 W2 noun [uncountable]  BLAMEresponsibility for a mistake or for something bad 〔对错误或坏事应负的〕责任blame for Do you accept any blame for what happened? 发生了这一切,你认为你有错吗? I always get the blame (=am blamed) for his mistakes! 他的错总是我来背黑锅! She stole the money but she’s trying to put the blame on (=blame) me. 她偷了钱,却想赖到我身上。 COLLOCATIONSverbsget the blame (=be blamed) 受指责Sam knew that if something went wrong, he’d get the blame. 萨姆知道一旦出了差错,他就会受到指责。take/accept/shoulder the blame (=say that something is your fault) 承担责任No one was prepared to take the blame for the disaster. 没有人愿意为这次灾难承担责任。nParents must shoulder the blame if their kids behave badly.put/pin the blame on somebody (also lay/place the blame on somebody written) (=blame someone, especially when it is not their fault) 归咎于某人Don’t try to put the blame on me. 别想把责任推到我身上。nEveryone laid the blame for the crisis on the government.shift the blame (onto somebody) (=blame someone else for something you did) 推卸责任(给某人)She always tried to shift the blame onto her brother. 她总是试图把责任推到弟弟身上。apportion/assign blame formal (=find someone to blame for something) 找人承担责任;归咎He seemed to want to apportion blame for her death. 他好像要把她的死怪罪于谁。nshare the blameHe admitted he shared the blame for their World Cup defeat.the blame lies with somebody (=used to say that someone is responsible for something bad) 责任在于某人In this case, the blame lay with the police. 这宗案件责任在于警方。phrasesnplace the blame squarely/firmly on somebody (=blame someone in a very definite way)A military investigation placed the blame squarely on city officials.point the finger of blame at somebody (=say that someone is responsible for something bad) 归罪某人,怪罪某人I couldn’t believe it when they started pointing the finger of blame at me. 我真难以相信,他们竟开始归罪于我。Examples from the Corpusblame• The city was rife with forlorn single women, and there was plenty of blame to go around.• But listening to Ferrell and Armstrong, it sounded like there was plenty of blame to go around.• If we allow that logic then, the time must be approaching that the guy taking credit must now accept the blame.• Taylor deserves a dollop of the blame.• Do not place the blame anywhere but on yourself, because you alone have chosen that path.• Pitta's critics concede that many quarters share the blame for Sao Paulo's afflictions.• Hence, she is considered to share the blame.blame for• Much of the blame for homelessness should go on the state's welfare system.Origin blame1 (1100-1200) Old French blamer, from Late Latin blasphemare; → BLASPHEMEblame1 verb →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1blame2 noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus that think say someone something or to or




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