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单词 blameless
释义  blame·less /ˈbleɪmləs/ adjective  INNOCENT/NOT GUILTYnot guilty of anything bad 无罪的;无可指责的;清白的 SYN innocent The police are not always entirely blameless (=are guilty of doing something bad) in these matters. 在这些事情上,警方并非总是毫无过错的。 She had led a blameless life. 她一生清白。 —blamelessly adverbExamples from the Corpusblameless• None of us who participates in the system is blameless.• In a divorce, no one is blameless.• Last week a special prosecutor ruled that the three officials were blameless.• But Keith Atkinson, director of the council's environmental health department, remains unconvinced that the allotment owners are blameless.• This man lived a reasonably blameless life on an isolated steading on the boundary of two parishes.• a blameless life• The women had made every effort to lead blameless lives.• No, Zoe and Emma were blameless role models, corrupted only by the Sodom and Gomorrah around them.• A whole nation, all of civilized society, perhaps, seeking the blameless state of madness.• None of us is completely blameless - we all knew something like this could happen.• Neither party is blameless when it comes to the explosion in campaign spending.not ... entirely blameless• But the economists are not entirely blameless.blame·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  guilty Corpus not bad anything of




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