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单词 dislike
释义 Word family  noun like ≠ dislike liking adjective likeable verb like ≠ dislike  dis·like1 /dɪsˈlaɪk/ ●●○ verb [transitive]  DON'T LIKEto think someone or something is unpleasant and not like them 不喜欢,讨厌 OPP like Why do you dislike her so much? 你为什么那么讨厌她?dislike doing something I dislike being the centre of attention. 我不喜欢成为注目的焦点。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say don’t like rather than dislike: 在日常英语中,人们一般说 don’t like ,而不说 dislikeWhy don’t you like her? 你为什么不喜欢她?He doesn’t like being criticized. 他不喜欢受人批评。n GrammarPatterns with dislikeDislike is used with an -ing form, not an infinitive. You dislike doing something: I dislike eating dinner alone. ✗Don’t say: I dislike to eat dinner alone.Using the progressiveDislike is not used in the progressive. You say: Tell us what you dislike about it. ✗Don’t say: Tell us what you are disliking about it. THESAURUSdislike to not like someone or something. Dislike is stronger than not like, and is used especially in written English 不喜欢,讨厌〔语气较not like强,尤用于书面英语〕She disliked him as soon as she met him. 她一见到他就讨厌他。Chemistry was the only subject he disliked at school. 化学是他上学时唯一讨厌的科目。not like 不喜欢Why did you invite Claire? You know I don’t like her. 你为什么邀请克莱尔?你知道我不喜欢她。I don’t really like getting up in the morning when it’s dark. 我不喜欢早上早起。not be very keen on something informal (also not be very fond of something) especially British English used to say that you do not like something, but in a polite or gentle way 不是很喜欢某物〔礼貌或委婉的说法〕I’m not very keen on Chinese food. 我不是很喜欢中国菜。She’s never been very fond of his books. 她从来都不太喜欢他的书。not think much of somebody/something to not like someone or something because you do not have a good opinion of them 不喜欢某人/某物We’ve tried that restaurant twice and we don’t think much of it. 我们去过那家餐厅两次,不是很喜欢。I worked with him for years and I didn’t think much of him. 我与他共事多年,并不喜欢他。not be somebody’s kind of thing (also not be somebody’s cup of tea) informal to not be the kind of thing you enjoy – used about activities, films, books etc 不是某人喜欢的东西〔指活动、影片、书等〕Detective stories aren’t really my kind of thing. 侦探小说不是很对我胃口。go off somebody/something British English informal to stop liking someone or something that you used to like 不再喜欢某人/某物Dan and I went out together for six months and then I just went off him. 我和丹谈了六个月恋爱,然后便对他没了兴趣。put somebody off somebody/something British English to make you stop liking someone or something 使某人不再喜欢某人/某物I was terrible at sport at school and it totally put me off doing any kind of exercise. 我上学时体育很差,所以我对任何一种运动都没有兴趣。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdislike• I forget now why we disliked each other, but stare contests were definitely the weapons of choice.• I dislike having to get up so early in the morning.• She now seriously disliked her former friend.• When Jane arrives, Emma determines to dislike her no longer, but to admire her elegance and virtue instead.• Hicks had discovered that people disliked his looking at them directly and, out of courtesy, he often refrained.• Muriel disliked Paul intensely.• Born in Silvertown, within sound of the old boat-builders' yards, he disliked silence.• Eldridge was a quiet man who disliked social occasions.• I mean, that really, I really dislike that.• She disliked the smell of his scent, but was determined to do her duty.• When Koju visited with the jeep, he noted this and he disliked them for it.• I have got to the stage where I totally dislike them, so it is off to the opticians next week.dislike doing something• Many men dislike shopping.dis·like2 /dɪsˈlaɪk, ˈdɪslaɪk/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]DON'T LIKE a feeling of not liking someone or something 不喜欢,讨厌 OPP likingdislike of She shared her mother’s dislike of housework. 她和她妈妈一样不爱做家务。dislike for Truman had a strong dislike for communism. 杜鲁门极为厌恶共产主义。intense/acute/violent etc dislike (=very strong dislike) 极为反感 His colleagues regarded him with intense dislike. 他的同事们非常讨厌他。 They took an instant dislike to each other (=they disliked each other immediately). 他俩立刻就互相讨厌对方了。2  dislikes [plural]DON'T LIKE the things that you do not like 不喜欢的东西 A good hotel manager should know his regular guests’ likes and dislikes. 称职的酒店经理应该知道老主顾的好恶。Examples from the Corpusdislike• Churchhill was said to have a dislike for unnecessary formality.• This is when likes and dislikes of others are first expressed.• They took an immediate dislike to one another.• An interviewer who happens to be very short may take an instant dislike to having a general manager who is much taller.• My intense dislike for him seemed to grow day by day.• She could not hide her personal dislike of the man.• Your dislike for Maman was handed down to me, wasn't it?took an instant dislike to• Feeley took an instant dislike to him.• And to make matters worse I took an instant dislike to the wife.dis·like1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1dis·like2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or Corpus unpleasant is someone think something to




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