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单词 diskette
释义  Related topics: Computersdis·kette /dɪsˈket $ ˈdɪsket/ noun [countable]  TDa floppy disk 软磁盘Examples from the Corpusdiskette• Answer: I suspect that you have bought 720K diskettes.• The group for which we were doing the development work brought in a test set on a diskette.• The double density diskettes will hold 720K of information, the high density diskettes 1.4M of data.• Disknet gives the user no other choice than to stick to a routine of checking each incoming diskette for viruses.• Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above.• Font adjustments are made by using the Printer program supplied with your WordPerfect diskettes.From Longman Business Dictionarydiskettedis‧kette /dɪsˈketˈdɪsket/ noun [countable]COMPUTING another name for a FLOPPY DISKdis·kette nounChineseSyllable  floppy a disk Corpus Business




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