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单词 F
释义  Related topics: Letters & punctuationF1, f /ef/ (plural F’s, f’s) noun  1. SLA[countable, uncountable] the sixth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第六个字母2. [countable, uncountable] the fourth note in the musical scale1(8) of C major or the musical key based on this note F音〔C大调音阶的第四音〕;F调3  [countable] a mark given to a student’s work to show that it is not good enough F级〔表示学业成绩不及格〕 I got an F in chemistry. 我化学得了个F。 → f-wordExamples from the CorpusF• Tony got an F in chemistry and has to take the class again over the summer.Related topics: Temperature, EducationF2  1  TMTthe written abbreviation of Fahrenheit / Fahrenheit 的书面缩写 ,华氏温度 Water boils at 212° F. 水在212华氏度时沸腾。2. SWOMANthe written abbreviation of female / female 的书面缩写 ,女性;雌性动物3. SEthe written abbreviation of false / false 的书面缩写 ,假的;错的Related topics: Musicf. (also f British English)1. APMthe written abbreviation of forte, used in music to show that a part should be played or sung loudly / forte 的书面缩写,〔乐谱中的〕强音记号2. the written abbreviation of female / female 的书面缩写,女性;雌性动物From Longman Business DictionaryFF (also f) written abbreviation for FOLLOWING (PAGE)F1 nounF2f.Chinese  the sixth the alphabet letter English Corpus Business of




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