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单词 Sufficient
1. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. 
2. Poverty is not a sufficient cause for disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself, is a disgrace. 
3. Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace. 
4. Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. 
5. Is it available in sufficient quantity?
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.
7. This recipe should be sufficient for five people.
8. We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem.
9. Is 10 sufficient for your expenses?
10. Have you had sufficient sleep?
11. We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.
12. Do you really regard that explanation as sufficient?
13. The pension is not sufficient for living expenses.
14. Their close and financially rewarding relationship was sufficient to call into question the independence and disinterest of the directors.
15. One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in-diameter hatbox.
16. Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.
17. Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.
18. The alarm is usually sufficient to deter a would-be thief.
19. These shots were not sufficient to fetch the bear down.
20. A 40 watt bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude.
21. Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.
22. Is £100 sufficient for your expenses?
23. We will make every endeavour to obtain sufficient supplies.
24. The difficulty lies in providing sufficient evidence.
25. The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.
26. There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.
27. We need sufficient time to deal with the problem.
28. The recipe is sufficient for six people.
29. The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 
30. He tried to push the door open, but he didn't have sufficient leverage.
1. Is it available in sufficient quantity?
2. A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.
3. This recipe should be sufficient for five people.
4. We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem.
5. Have you had sufficient sleep?
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.
7. Do you really regard that explanation as sufficient?
8. The pension is not sufficient for living expenses.
9. Their close and financially rewarding relationship was sufficient to call into question the independence and disinterest of the directors.
10. One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in-diameter hatbox.
11. Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.
12. The alarm is usually sufficient to deter a would-be thief.
13. A 40 watt bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude.
14. Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.
15. He tried to push the door open, but he didn't have sufficient leverage.
16. Drunkenness at work was sufficient grounds for instant dismissal.
17. The company lacks sufficient money to invest in new products.
18. The police have sufficient evidence to connect the suspect with the explosion.
31. One dose of the remedy is sufficient.
32. A three-week course hardly qualifies as sufficient training.
33. They didn't give me sufficient notice .
34. Do we have sufficient for ten people?
35. His income is sufficient for his needs.
36. The rain was not sufficient to do any harm.
37. Sufficient data have been collected for the building project.
38. Allow sufficient time to get there.
39. These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban.
40. Will there be sufficient stocks to meet our demand?
41. One dose should be sufficient.
42. Unauthorized absence is sufficient reason for dismissal.
43. A word to the wise is sufficient.
44. Drunkenness at work was sufficient grounds for instant dismissal.
45. A quick rinse isn't sufficient. Use plenty of running water to wash away all traces of shampoo.
46. Army units can only operate if they have sufficient backup.
47. He says they mistakenly believed the standard licenses they held were sufficient.
48. His plan for tax relief is fine as far as it goes but will not be sufficient to get the economy moving again.
49. We need to record sufficient data to enable definite conclusions to be reached.
50. They had failed to provide evidence of sufficient financial backing.
51. The forces for change in the government are not sufficient to overcome bureaucratic inertia.
52. The company lacks sufficient money to invest in new products.
53. Another flight would be arranged on Saturday if sufficient demand arose.
54. The police have sufficient evidence to connect the suspect with the explosion.
55. Locking them away is not sufficient(),(http:///sufficient.html) you have to give them treatment.
56. Financial institutions must maintain sufficient liquidity to meet the demands of depositors.
57. It was thought that he'd committed the crime but there wasn't sufficient evidence to convict him.
58. If the government does not yield, it should face sufficient military force to ensure its certain and swift defeat.
59. The evidence is not sufficient to bring a prosecution against him.
60. My nervousness made me deliver the vital points of my address without sufficient punch.
61. Until we'd built up sufficient forces to drive the invaders back, we pursued a policy of containment.
62. Our budget is scarcely sufficient to pay people, let alone buy any new equipment.
63. Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.
64. His disruptive behaviour was felt to be sufficient grounds for his expulsion.
65. The money is not sufficient to cover everything that needs doing.
66. Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of sufficient capital.
67. The Senate had a sufficient majority to override the presidential veto .
68. The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient.
69. Sufficient supply, in the short run, will be a problem.
70. Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program.
71. I had now gained sufficient confidence to look around.
72. About one metre of cabling should be sufficient.
73. The general sentiment among lawyers is that the Commission is likely to favour plea bargaining if sufficient safeguards can be built in.
74. For the purposes of this appeal the barest outline is sufficient.
75. At all 18 measurements, the mean SpO value was above 91%, which would be readily accepted as sufficient oxygenation.
76. The chief internal auditor must be assisted by sufficient staff of the right quality and quantity.
77. It is not sufficient to see and to know the beauty of a work. We must feel and be affected by it. Voltaire 
78. For non-working spouses, sufficient units can be encashed each tax year to bring total income up to just below the annual allowance.
79. Unless women can stop feeling apologetic about wanting power, they will never be in sufficient numbers to change the male agenda.
80. The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore. Vincent van Gogh 
81. He had sufficient cause to suppose that Thomas was only a messenger, merely the bearer of bad news.
82. How can future cash flows be predicted with sufficient accuracy for a qualification?
83. The company failed to get sufficient financial backing, and never got off the ground.
84. This project is to assess whether sufficient material exists to enable a more substantial research project to be undertaken.
85. Do we have sufficient information on which to base change?
86. But even being able to articulate my needs was not sufficient to protect me from further abuse.
87. Give the group sufficient autonomy to carry out the task.
88. It is sufficient that, for instance, the accused is allowed to borrow something.
89. Lawmakers initially had been scheduled to vote on the bill Friday, but postponed the balloting for lack of sufficient votes.
90. The actual vegetation may not be identical owing to varying local conditions but there is sufficient affinity to make correlations reasonably certain.
91. If the machine's speed is sufficient to bring it into contact with a target then it is considered to have charged.
92. Do you have sufficient enterprises which are competitive on a world scale to boost your exports in this way?
93. Inevitably with the rapid expansion of the past few years the University is experiencing difficulties in providing sufficient academic as well as residential accommodation.
94. Their slope and angle up to the cabin top was sufficient to drive the catamaran north.
95. Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith. We do not rely soley upon science and reason, because these are necessary rather than sufficient factors, but we distrust anything that contradicts science or outrages reason. We may differ on many things, but what we respect is free inquiry, openmindedness,(http:///sufficient.html) and the pursuit of ideas for their own sake. Christopher Hitchens 
96. Sufficient time is not always given to the study of the basic principles and the proper spacing and placing of the movements.
97. Meadows and woodlands are better looked after, but that still leaves many different habitats that do not have sufficient protection.
98. All the ground floor windows were fitted with iron bars, a sufficient deterrent for the average break-and-enter boys.
99. This may not, however, in itself provide sufficient aerobic exercise.
100. If the owner had sufficient capital to adapt to the new methods, he did so.
101. Despite the protection of the reef, there was sufficient sea running to make the patrol boat roll through sixty degrees.
102. It is sufficient that he was acting within the ordinary course of business of mercantile agents generally.
103. By the 1870s sufficient of world agriculture was in the second position to make agrarian depression both world-wide and politically explosive.
104. Not tightly enough to restrict the blood flow, but sufficient to make her long to be able to stretch.
105. The request for her to stay away from work for two months out of 12 was not sufficient to amount to a fundamental breach.
106. As a general rule, the archbishop had sufficient political leverage to ensure success for his own monks in these disputes.
107. Many beneficent projects have to be foregone if sufficient funds are lacking.
108. They must be able to plan adequately for sufficient waste management capacity to serve their industrial base.
109. Management will therefore need to be able to have sufficient information to present an accurate account to the media.
110. He must adduce sufficient evidence to satisfy the statutory criteria for the making of a particular order.
111. Even in a Koi pool, the Koi will find sufficient algae and other aquatic life to survive without any adverse effects.
112. Most adoption agencies offer support for three months after the adoption, but this is unlikely to be sufficient.
113. In both instances the general test should be whether there was some reasonable or sufficient evidence to justify the action.
114. Superior artistry is not sufficient explanation; there was something else.
115. Mulholland had been saying that the city had surplus water sufficient for only ten thousand new arrivals.
116. This was because car manufacturers gave retailers bonus payments if there were sufficient new registrations during a given period.
117. One should pass the magnifying glass over to science; the eyes are sufficient to appreciate the beauties of the landscape.
118. All the women who had paid full National Insurance contributions had sufficient contributions to be eligible for unemployment benefit.
119. In most cases the bulge settles down, as long as you have sufficient horizontal rest and take good care of your back.
120. Yet for lack of personnel, funds, and initiative, Bolshevik Party members were not making sufficient capital out of the situation.
121. There is already evidence to show knitwear firms are failing to attract sufficient numbers of young people.
122. When sulphate availability is increased sulphate reducing bacteria proliferate and eventually may outcompete methanogens when the sulphate supply is sufficient.
123. It is often said that an assault can be committed only by an act and that an omission is not sufficient.
124. And as is the way of things in nature, given sufficient heat and hammering, the result is forged steel.
125. One must accept it as an article of faith, sufficient unto itself(Sentencedict), for all time.
126. Some of the departments were small and without sufficient staff with relevant expertise in areas it was proposed to teach.
127. A foal requires about one pint of colostrum to give it sufficient antibiotics to help fight neonatal infections.
128. For a long time, this was sufficient justification for Friedmann's assumption - as a rough approximation to the real universe.
129. Staff at the Chelsea Building Society, based in Cheltenham are confident that figure will be sufficient to boost the housing market.
130. A football crowd of sufficient dimensions is within the ambit of the section.
131. Overalls: Full bodied boiler suit style overalls are sufficient protection for most activities.
132. If we drill a borehole into the aquifer the groundwater will be under sufficient pressure to overflow from the borehole.
133. Those who retained sufficient self-respect and sense of responsibility to think of the future were filled with the deepest apprehension.
134. A page of Herodotus would have been sufficient to put a battalion of biblical scholars out of action.
135. But Hafodunos said they were ending negotiations with Watertight, who they said had failed to provide evidence of sufficient financial backing.
136. Although it quickly subsided, what I was able to catch was sufficient to arouse suspicion.
137. With sufficient training, however, both stimuli will lose the ability to evoke attention.
138. For our present purpose, however, it is sufficient to note that he did not describe the physical world as autonomous.
139. But where a decision affects everyone in general and no one in particular it is much harder to define sufficient interest.
140. These offences were selected both because of their importance and because there is sufficient evidence for detailed analysis.
141. They can not explore new avenues for cancer research if there is not sufficient funding to buy equipment or pay scientists.
142. Warning: Eaten in sufficient amounts, this product ensures bad breath, probable indigestion and pungent, loose stools.
143. This helped to reduce anxiety about having sufficient energy to last through one's duty period.
144. A week later there arrived a check sufficient to launch a full-scale book donation program in Czechoslovakia.
145. Friends of the Earth responded by asserting that there was sufficient interest among energy suppliers to provide three times that amount.
146. GEC/Siemens raised their bid to £2 billion in August 1989 and this proved sufficient to end the long running battle.
147. The Nov. 4 referendum proposed that a simple majority should in future be sufficient to pass constitutional amendments.
148. The essential difficulty is finding the sufficient raw material.
149. Cleverness is serviceable for everything, sufficient for nothing.
150. Her disposition was vivacious, and she liked this self - reliant , self - sufficient , straight spoken boy.
151. The report thinks, the soldier is sufficient after long - distance march occurrence strut , solid for stress fracture.
152. America cannot win over sufficient numbers of the Afghan Pashtun on whom Coin depends.
153. It was true , acknowledgment in most cases of affronts was counted reparation sufficient.
154. A small gas - jet furnished sufficient light for so rueful a corner.
155. The starlight was sufficient to permit objects to be plainly distinguished when near at hand.
156. As Walt Whitman says, I am sufficient as I am.
157. As published with adjustments from last month, last week's USDA updates imply sufficient old - crop supplies.
158. Segments may be precast long enough to reach sufficient strength and maturity.
159. For most applications, the micro - ohmmeter or DMM is sufficient for contact resistance measurements.
160. The nuclear weapons stored by the United States alone are sufficient to raze the planet.
161. The design parameters should be selected according to rules, and sufficient safety margin should be left.
162. Therefore, sufficient nitrogenous fertilizer is an essential way to prevent early senescence period of wheat growth.
163. This our Peeress declined as unnecessary , alleging that her cousin Thornhill 's recommendation would be sufficient.
163. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
164. The uncertainty about a quitter's future status alone may provide sufficient incentive not to leave.
165. Often eats ferri archery target food skin gloss ruddy willowy, needs the sufficient blood supplies.
166. Most of China's natural energy field is not sufficient, the need for water development.
167. The goods were packed without sufficient padding in the case.
168. In selecting the upper limit value, sufficient room shall be maintained.
169. A single shearing interferogram is not sufficient to describe a wavefront.
170. Once chlorine gas is leaked. can be treated with water and sufficient slaked lime.
171. Aerial photographs are taken in strips with sufficient overlap a three - dimensional image when viewed under stereoscope.
172. A slight disturbance will be sufficient to make it pass over into instability.
173. A second prerequisite is that uranium 235 must be present in sufficient abundance.
174. The puffy staff's stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.
175. Are patch occupancy data sufficient for inferring metapopulation dynamics using spatially explicit patch occupancy models?
176. A pressure transmitter monitors that the pressure level is sufficient and a valve prevents excessive pressure.
177. Composite organic additions offer sufficient plasticity and dry strength to high - alumina body.
178. She liked this self - reliant , self - sufficient , straight - spoken boy.
179. With organisms of sufficient complexity, behavioral and somatic evolution emerged.




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