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单词 exuberant
释义  ex·u·be·rant /ɪɡˈzjuːbərənt $ ɪɡˈzuː-/ adjective  1  HAPPYhappy and full of energy and excitement 兴高采烈的;精神焕发的 an exuberant personality 充满活力的个性2  HBPexuberant decorations, patterns etc are exciting and complicated or colourful 〔装饰品、图案等〕充满生气的,鲜艳的 exuberant carvings 充满生气的雕刻品 —exuberance noun [uncountable] She needs to try and control her natural exuberance. 她需要尽力控制自己天生的旺盛精力。 —exuberantly adverbExamples from the Corpusexuberant• He is energetic and exuberant.• The prose is exuberant and knowingly exotic.• an exuberant celebration• And here, gaggles of exuberant fourth-graders begged for his autograph as if he were Pluto in Disneyland.• What she intended to be was gay, pleasure-giving, exuberant, free, beautiful, healthy.• The backplate of H-5 looks barren and bland compared to the exuberant frippery scrolled over the same part of H-4.• A similar process is also taking place in darts led by an exuberant Geordie commentator with a Cambridge History degree.• They were both totally naked and exuberant in their lovemaking.• Kip shot me an exuberant scowl.Origin exuberant (1400-1500) French Latin, present participle of exuberare “to exist in large quantities”, from uber “producing a lot”, from uber “udder”ex·u·be·rant adjectiveChineseSyllable  happy excitement energy Corpus and full and of




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