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单词 Hardly any
1. There's hardly any stuffing left in the sofa.
2. I've got hardly any money.
3. There's hardly any tea left.
4. There was hardly any traffic and we drove right along till we got home.
5. The player was given hardly any opportunities to show off his talents.
6. There was hardly any traffic.
7. There's hardly any coal left.
8. The desert air contains hardly any moisture.
9. She spent hardly any of the money.
10. There was hardly any free time.
11. I have got hardly any money.
12. There was hardly any food left by the time we got there.
13. For six months of the year, there is hardly any light at the poles.
14. In old China there was hardly any machine - building industry, leave alone an automobile industry.
15. She's written screeds on the subject, but hardly any of it is worth reading.
16. The tiny toilet compartment gives you hardly any elbow room.
17. There's hardly any food in the house, but I'll scare something up from these leftovers.
18. There was hardly any ice in my Coke.
19. Best of all, there are hardly any other tourists.
20. Hardly any of the gladioli I planted actually flowered.
21. They were better, showing hardly any inflammation now.
22. Hardly any had written manuals for their work.
23. There was hardly any give at all.
24. The building was very plain with hardly any decoration at all.
25. He's going on holiday for the third time this year, never mind that he has hardly any money left.
26. We've not had a new car for years.No wonder, as we've hardly any money.
27. My daughter's school has very good exam results and hardly any truancy.
28. Most of the others were so young they had hardly any experience.
29. Men still tend to dominate the world of law - hardly any top judges are women.
30. It shows him to be a man of sufficient moveable property but with hardly any land.
1. I've got hardly any money.
2. There's hardly any tea left.
3. The player was given hardly any opportunities to show off his talents.
31. There is, she says, little intellectual challenge, hardly any praise, not even much blame.
32. No-one wins a dispute with Graham, so there's hardly any point indulging in a slanging match.
33. There were hardly any well known names; the recently purchased Simon Vouet is very poorly executed.
34. After that, hardly any scientists said life, even microbes, existed on Mars.
35. In Mavhinje there was hardly any food and it was difficult to send parcels.
36. How easy to see how a white kid could set this in motion with hardly any effort.
37. While they had been there the previous year there had been hardly any visitors.
38. I wanted to reciprocate in kind, but I had hardly any outlandish stories to tell about myself.
39. There is no overtly political comment, and hardly any mention of social evils such as racism and sexism.
40. Hardly any have unmarried daughters, who in the past were most often expected to do the caring.
41. Margot Fonteyn tours with hardly any baggage, just one black suit.
42. Hardly any lunar rocks are younger than three billion years.
43. In his crinkly fair hair there was hardly any grey.
44. I was pissed off at them leaving me like that because I had hardly any other friends in Leeds.
45. But hardly any kids had taken hard drugs like heroin and cocaine.
46. My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there’s hardly any difference.". Harry S. Truman 
47. There was murder for gain, and for the most trivial and pointless reasons, often for hardly any reason at all.
48. There's hardly any traffic and you can really go fast.
49. There was hardly any traffic,() just a few parked cars and a cluster of mopeds around the door of the bar opposite.
50. I get hardly any mail, bar the occasional postcard from my mother.
51. Despite these soaring levels of homelessness, hardly any affordable housing is being built even though the construction industry is calling for jobs.
52. A Theory of Justice contains hardly any explicit argument for the exclusion of moral and religious beliefs from the original position.
53. Now he was far too thin, hardly any flesh on him, and he coughed constantly.
54. I mean there is just hardly any opening there and I know that has to be a deviated septum.
55. The Labour Party was weak in this rural constituency and had no prospective candidate and hardly any organization.
56. Hardly any of them replied and Chris, Nick and I decided to follow up the letters with phone calls.
57. Many were living in sixteenth and seventeenth century cottages with hardly any mod cons.
58. There are no teeth, no long, lower-jaw, no huge lower lip and hardly any tongue.
59. Before the shipments of dry masa and other flour starting coming in, people had hardly any grain.
60. In 1713-40, a period during which it did hardly any fighting, the Prussian army lost over 30,000 men by desertion.
61. It isn't that much cheaper - there's hardly any difference in price.
62. Producing hardly any grain, the city was dependent on supplies brought in from the hinterland, or by sea.
63. Few seminaries and hardly any universities are equipped to help students enter into a mystical quest or spiritual journey.
64. There was no house in sight; no form of transport; indeed hardly any road traffic.
65. It makes mixing small quantities easy and quick, and leaves hardly any cleaning up to do.
66. His is the remarkable story of a young man with hardly any academic ability.
67. That Government were able to carry through virtually all that legislation with hardly any resort to guillotine motions.
68. She had travelled from Rosyth to Glasgow, hardly any distance at all, yet still she had missed her connection.
69. Of course, that was yonks ago, and hardly any of the original characters are still around.
70. Out in the desert there are hardly any road signs along the highway.
71. Prints of hunting and racing scenes, dark maroon velvet curtains and hardly any women to be seen.
72. There is hardly any conduction of heat in fluids.
73. There was hardly any machine building industry then.
74. Athletes have hardly any fatty tissue.
75. He had hardly any schooling.
76. Today only a few people still speak of aether and hardly any aether particles '.
77. Whatever the reason, from 1964 in Innsbruck, Austria, through 1968 in Grenoble, France, through 1972 in Sapporo, Japan, the Winter Games skated along with hardly any political or social unrest.
78. There were hardly any dropped calls and the call quality was pretty solid – I am guessing that it is thanks to both the radio engineering and the network.
79. A complication is that the films are strained and epitaxial, with hardly any defects.
80. In old China, there was hardly any machine - building industry, to say nothing of an electronic industry.
81. In Israel or the diaspora, hardly any Jew considers himself of Arab culture.
82. Finite state machines use hardly any precious processor time because they essentially follow hard-coded rules.
83. Today only a few people still speak of aether and hardly any of'aether particles '.
84. The terrible dearth of information, the fictionalisation of our experience, there is hardly any gay autobiography, just novels, but why novelise it when the best of it is in our lives?
85. Hardly any other car manufacturer experienced a face lift over the last years like Seat.
86. The earthen floor, beaten hard by countless feet, deadens the sound of footsteps, and the vaulted mud-brick walls and roof have hardly any sounds to echo .
87. It is hardly any surprise that Owen is attracted to the Sport of Kings, nor that his first interest stemmed from the bet his father struck in the local bookie 's every Saturday.
88. The bathrooms are tiny and there's hardly any difference between business and economy class loos.
89. There is hardly any form of Sinhala literature which has not been fed by the well springs of jataka stories.




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