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单词 extra
释义  ex·tra1 /ˈekstrə/ ●●● S1 W2 adjective  1  MORE/EXTRA[only before noun] more of something, in addition to the usual or standard amount or number 额外的,另外的 Could you get an extra loaf of bread? 你能多拿一条面包吗? Allow extra time for your journey. 要给你的旅程多留出点时间。 Drivers are advised to take extra care. 建议司机开车要格外小心。 Residents can use the gym at no extra cost. 住客不必另外付费即可使用健身房。an extra ten minutes/three metres etc I asked for an extra two weeks to finish the work. 我要求再多给两周的时间来完成工作。► see thesaurus at more2  [not before noun] if something is extra, it is not included in the price of something and you have to pay more for it 额外付费的 OPP included Dinner costs $15 but wine is extra. 晚餐费用为15美元,但酒费另计。n THESAURUSextra in addition to the usual or standard cost, time, amount etcThey let the kids stay up an extra hour.Some stores charge extra for delivery.Postage is extra.additional [only before noun] more than the basic amount or the amount that you expected or agreed. Additional is more formal than extraAn evening job would provide additional income.There may be an additional charge for paying bills by credit card.added [only before noun] extra – used when talking about something that makes something better or more effectivean added benefitan added precautionIt was a beautiful place, and the good weather was an added bonus.Use a sunscreen for added protection.spare [only before noun] kept in addition to the one you usually use, so that it is available if the one you usually use breaks, gets lost etca spare keya spare tyre a spare set of clothesExamples from the Corpusextra• Do you want to earn some extra cash?• a large mushroom pizza with extra cheese• But of course teachers have extra commitments.• The deformities include missing or truncated legs, misshapen legs, extra legs, and missing or malformed eyes.• Will you bring me an extra napkin, please?• Let your arms swing with you and feel the energy coming from the extra oxygen you are breathing.• The Pentagon has asked the armed services panel to end its extra review of officers who attended the convention.• Bring an extra set of clothes in case you decide to stay overnight.• Franco said the elegant lobby will be available to rent for receptions, creating an extra source of income for the museum.• I need some extra time to finish.• Just inside the bag is a shoulder baffle for extra warmth.extra care• On the way down, the path can be muddy and steep and in places needs extra care.• They tipped me for the extra care.• But she took extra care if she was out with them alone.• Take extra care if you are travelling.• This is another attractive species, but extra care is needed to achieve success.• In areas where gardens are protected and some extra care is provided, most cabbage varieties can be virtually a year-round crop.• With Spectra or Dyneema, we have to adjust in the sleeving, and here a little extra care pays off dividends.• We need to take extra care when talking to elderly people because they may not see or hear so well.extra2 ●●○ adverb  1  in addition to the usual things or the usual amount 额外,另外 They need to offer something extra to attract customers. 他们需要提供额外的东西以吸引顾客。one/a few etc extra I got a few extra in case anyone else decides to come. 我另外准备了一些,以防其他人也决定要来。 I’ll be making $400 extra a month. 我将每月多挣400美元。2  [+adj/adverb]EMPHASIZE used to emphasize an adjective or adverb 特别地,非常 You’re going to have to work extra hard to pass the exam. 你要格外用功才能通过考试。 an extra special effort 格外的努力Examples from the Corpusextra• We learned to go extra early so he could become familiar with surroundings.• In the meantime you have to prove yourself by being extra good, and doing helpful things around the house.• As a matter of fact, she went on, there might be something extra in it for me.• And, and they gave him extra special few etc extra• There should be a few extra balloons and straws.• Dale received all the attention and accolades, and Link settled for a few extra bucks on his royalty checks.• Most people begin their own businesses just to make a few extra dollars a month.• Still, it seems wrong not to want your local five to squeeze in a few extra games, warranted or not.• It appears that a few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep can remedy the situation.• Every day, until we could not keep up with the demand, we would make a few extra loaves to sell.• Spending a few extra minutes almost always saves time in the long run.• We have improved because a few extra players have come in and the bench is outstanding which keeps everyone on their toes.extra3 pronoun  MORE/EXTRAan amount of something, especially money, in addition to the usual, basic, or necessary amount 额外的东西〔尤指金钱〕 SYN morepay/charge/cost etc extra I earn extra for working on Sunday. 我星期天工作挣外快。Examples from the Corpusextra• "Would you like some cough drops?" "Yeah, do you have extra?"• So whose hamburger is this, or did I make extra?pay/charge/cost etc extra• Popular features, such as e-mail and the ability to transfer files, will cost extra.• Why should law abiding citizens pay extra?• So why pay extra and wait longer for one that's made-to-measure?• People pay extra for add-ons to basic cover.• Dad paid extra for him to come twice a week and fine-tune the chlorine.• And they paid extra for one Mr Simonds to coach in football and hockey.• So why pay extra money in commissions for financial advice to get only an average return?• Foreign diplomats had to be paid extra to serve there.Related topics: Filmextra4 noun [countable]  1  ADDsomething which is added to a basic product or service that improves it and often costs more 另外收费的事物 Tinted windows and a sunroof are optional extras (=something that you can choose to have or not). 有色玻璃窗和车顶天窗是备选的配件,要另收费。 Be careful, there may be hidden extras (=additional charges which you are not told about). 要当心一点,可能会有隐藏的额外费用。 It’s got lots of useful little extras. 它有不少实用小配件出售。2  AMFan actor in a film who does not say anything but is part of a crowd 〔电影里的〕临时演员,群众演员 He started his acting career as an extra. 他的演艺生涯是从当临时演员开始的。► see thesaurus at actorExamples from the Corpusextra• Extra! Extra! Read all about it!• There might also be a selection of pricing plans and added extras.• They were well looked after and were given plenty of beer, cigarettes and extras at Christmas time.• Shirley worked really hard and did a lot of little extras for the clients.• A wide range of extras are also available.• One client, says Mr Timlin, spent $ 350,000 on extras.• Tinted windows and a sunroof are optional extras.• Let romance bring the extras, not the basics, to your life.• Tonight we meet some of the unsung heroes of Inspector Morse - the extras.• a car with extras such as a sun roof and CD player• This great two-disc version of the alien invasion blockbuster is packed with extras.optional extras• Cruising chutes and Windsurfers are available as optional extras on some yachts.• Theories are not optional extras in science.• Most of the systems offer optional extras.• Made to measure in glass fibre with toughened glass roof and sides, optional extras include ventilation and double glazing.extra- /ekstrə/ prefix 1  OUT/OUTSIDEoutside or beyond 在…之外;超出 extragalactic (=outside our galaxy) 银河系外的 extracellular (=outside a cell) 细胞外的2  informal very or more than normal 非常;格外 extra-large 非常大的 extra-strong 特别强壮的 extra-special 十分特别的Examples from the Corpusextra-• extracurricular activities• extramarital sexFrom Longman Business Dictionaryextraex‧tra1 /ˈekstrə/ adjective [only before a noun] more than normal, or in addition to something elseWe will be advertising for 200 extra extra 1% on National Insurance contributions —extra adverbThey need to offer something extra to attract customers.The room is £45 a night, and Full English breakfast is £12 extra.Mr Chase paid extra for a room to himself.extraextra2 noun [countable] something which is added on, especially charges on a billCruise control is available as an optional extra.Be clear about what you are paying for, as there may be hidden extras.Origin extra- Latin extra “outside”, from exter; → EXTERNAL extra1 (1600-1700) Probably from extraordinaryex·tra1 adjective →n THESAURUS1extra2 adverbextra3 pronounextra4 nounextra- prefixLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business addition to something, standard the of more usual or Corpus in




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