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单词 scratchings
释义  Related topics: Foodscratch·ings /ˈskrætʃɪŋz/ noun [plural] British English  DFsmall pieces of pig’s skin that have been cooked in hot fat and are eaten cold 炸猪皮片 SYN American English pork rindsExamples from the Corpusscratchings• I'd heard scratchings, that was it.• These are no idle scratchings but have been carefully and purposefully incised, and the reason is self-evident.• It looks like scratchings from an old birds' nest.• If that's out of your price bracket ... there's always pork scratchings at 30 pence a bag.• I was so hungry I'd have eaten pork scratchings.• For this you received a bag of pork scratchings and a clout round the ear.scratch·ings nounChineseSyllable  skin that Corpus small cooked of pieces pig’s have been




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