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单词 scratchy
释义  Related topics: Material & textiles, Recordingscratch·y /ˈskrætʃi/ adjective  1  TIMCOMFORTABLE#something that is scratchy feels rough against your skin 〔衣物等〕粗糙的,扎人的,使皮肤发痒的 a scratchy woollen jumper 一件扎人的套头羊毛衫2  TCRa scratchy voice or musical sound is rough and not smooth and pleasant 〔嗓音〕沙哑的;〔音乐〕带沙沙声的 a scratchy old recording of some folk songs 一段有沙沙声的民歌老旧录音Examples from the Corpusscratchy• They are the most popular runs and get scratchy after lunch.• At first the wealth of scratchy film archiving the revolution's birth was riveting.• Clare yelled in pain as she fell on scratchy, frosted bracken.• I could hear the diminution of talk, the quieting of the clatter of passing platters, the scratchy hiss of whispering.• No water sold at the bar, scratchy loo paper, and a dancefloor that doesn't yet kick till after midnight.• Something scratchy nudged against her calves and made her jump.• Its scratchy sheets did not bother her in the slightest.• They sat on the musty divan with a scratchy wool plaid blanket covering them to their chins.scratch·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus scratchy is your something against that rough skin feels




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