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单词 expressive
释义 Word family  noun expression expressiveness adjective expressive ≠ inexpressive expressionless inexpressible verb express adverb expressively expressionlessly inexpressibly  ex·pres·sive /ɪkˈspresɪv/ adjective  1  SHOW/BE A SIGN OFshowing very clearly what someone thinks or feels 富于感情的;明确表露想法的 OPP expressionless her wonderfully expressive eyes 她那双会说话的眼睛2  be expressive of something SHOW/BE A SIGN OF formal showing a particular feeling or influence 体现出某种感情[影响] Her poem is expressive of calm days and peace of mind. 她的诗歌描绘了静谧的时光以及平和的心境。 —expressively adverb —expressiveness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusexpressive• Achuff's dancing is versatile and expressive.• Her eyes grew larger and more expressive.• She has large, expressive eyes.• Violette's expressive face in the mirror passed through a variety of emotions.• He would use his expressive face to bring the stories to life.• They are pictorial, with good drapery and expressive features to the figures.• She is a wonderful actress, with striking, expressive features.• It gave workshops and seminars to help priests and lay people plan liturgies that were expressive, inclusive and theologically sound.• There are circumstances when it pays to use an expressive language.• Cinema directors have long exploited the expressive possibilities of the wide-angled lens.• Children with low comprehension scores but high expressive scores are seen as having possible emotional problems, or as suffering from echolalia.• Trust is the shared silence, the exchanged look, the expressive touch.• He had a quiet but expressive voice.ex·pres·sive adjectiveChineseSyllable  very what someone Corpus thinks clearly or showing




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