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单词 explorer
释义 Word family  noun exploration explorer adjective exploratory unexplored verb explore  ex·plo·rer /ɪkˈsplɔːrə $ -ər/ ●○○ noun [countable]  TRAVELsomeone who travels through an unknown area to find out about it 探险者;勘查者► see thesaurus at travelExamples from the Corpusexplorer• For enthusiastic cave explorers, it is a second home.• Certainly her fellow explorers ganged up on Dame Freya's side.• The collection is being marketed as clothing for ice climbers, glacier explorers and back-country skiers.• It would mean a far more costly and complex voyage by human explorers, currently envisioned no sooner than 2018.• But motorists, explorers and connoisseurs of beauty will follow the usual route departing along the A.83s.• He anticipated the motives of explorers, conquerors, and settlers for a couple of centuries to come.• The first concentrated on the discoveries of the explorers, beginning with Columbus and continuing on through Raleigh.ex·plo·rer nounChineseSyllable  unknown area someone travels who an through Corpus




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