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单词 explicable
释义 Word family  noun explaining explanation adjective unexplained explanatory explicable ≠ inexplicable verb explain adverb inexplicably  ex·pli·ca·ble /ekˈsplɪkəbəl/ adjective  CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDable to be easily understood or explained 易于理解的;容易解释的 OPP inexplicable The success of the Revolution is explicable in terms of the weakness of the king’s government. 革命的成功可归因于国王政府的软弱。Examples from the Corpusexplicable• This situation, though it seems bizarre, was really quite explicable.• He made its program explicable and tempting.• Variations occur within a population, explicable as genetic mutations or the results of mixing of genetic material.• It is by definition a complex object, and all complex objects are explicable as logical constructions out of logically simple elements.• Although there are certain features not readily explicable by subsidence, we can not revert wholly to the Glacial Control theory.• Failures in this process, however, are explicable in realist terms as the protection of national sovereignty.• Somehow, for no explicable reason, Judy had always had his number.• The only explicable thing, he decided, was how thoroughly inexplicable it all was.ex·pli·ca·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  understood easily explained Corpus to able be or




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