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单词 ever
释义  ev·er /ˈevə $ ˈevər/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  IFa word meaning at any time; used mostly in questions, negatives, comparisons, or sentences with ‘if’ 〔一般用于疑问句、否定句、比较结构或带 if 的句子中〕在任何时候 Nothing ever seems to upset him. 似乎从来没有什么事情会使他烦恼。 Have you ever been to Paris? 你去过巴黎吗? I don’t think I’ve ever been here before. 我觉得我以前从未到过这里。 If you’re ever in Seattle, come and see me. 如果你什么时候到了西雅图,就来看我吧。2  ALWAYS/FOREVER formal always 总是 Ever optimistic, I decided to take the exam again. 我一向乐观,所以决定再考一次。3  hardly ever not very often 几乎从不 We hardly ever go out. 我们几乎从不出门。4  never ever spoken never 从不 You never ever offer to help! 你从来都不主动帮忙!5  for ever for all time 永远 Nothing lasts for ever. 没有什么是永恒的。6  as ever as always happens 同往常一样,一如既往 As ever, Joe was late. 同往常一样,乔又迟到了。7  ever since continuously since 从…以后一直 My back has been bad ever since I fell and hurt it two years ago. 自从我两年前摔伤后,后背就一直疼。8  ever after for all time after something 从此一直 I suppose they’ll get married and live happily ever after. 我想他们要结婚了,从此将过上幸福的生活。9  hotter/colder/better etc than ever even hotter etc than before 比以前任何时候都热/冷/好等 Last night’s show was better than ever. 昨晚的演出比以前任何一场都好看。10  as friendly/cheerful/miserable etc as ever as friendly etc as someone or something usually is 与往常一样友好/快活/痛苦等 George was as miserable as ever. 乔治和往常一样痛苦。 The food was as bad as ever! 那食物和平常一样糟糕!11  ever so cold/wet/nice etc British English spokenVERY very cold, wet etc 非常冷/湿/好等 The assistant was ever so helpful. 这个助手帮了大忙。 Thanks ever so much. 非常感谢。12  ever such a British EnglishVERY used to emphasize what someone or something is like 〔用于强调〕非常;很 She’s ever such a nice girl. 她是一个如此可爱的姑娘。13  ever-increasing/ever-present etc increasing, present etc all the time 不断增加的/始终存在的等 the ever-increasing problem of drugs in the inner cities 旧城区不断加剧的毒品问题14. Yours ever/Ever yours informalTCM used at the end of a letter above the signature 你永远的〔书信末尾签名前的套语〕15  if ever there was one informal used to say that someone or something is a typical example of something 确实〔用于表示某人或某物是个典型的例子〕 He’s a natural comedian if ever there was one. 他确实是个天生的喜剧演员。Examples from the Corpusever• Have you ever been on a ship like this before?• Within a few years of the two World Wars, the standard of living of Western European countries was higher than ever before.• In spite of a longer work day, employees were producing more than ever before.• Have you ever bought any of their products?• I don't think I'll ever get used to that feeling of excitement before a show.• For many young people this is the most difficult problem that they have ever had to deal with in their lives.• The sound of the door to the Robemaker's Workshops closing, was one of the worst sounds Nuadu had ever heard.• If you're ever in Wilmington, give us a call.• That was the biggest mistake I ever made.• Nothing ever makes Ted mad.• There is no evidence that the rifling and thievery of the files ever occurred.• Ever optimistic, Jen gave him another chance.• If you have ever read some of the match reports from games in the 60's you would appreciate his skill.• When he left, Bartlett didn't know if he'd ever see Alaska again.• I don't remember ever seeing him before.• From a place on the shady side I watched the most forlorn spectacle I have ever seen.• That's the biggest fish I've ever seen.• Stan, ever the leader, made all the decisions.• Scarcely anyone ever went near that closet.Origin ever Old English æfreev·er adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus used any mostly at word time; meaning a in




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