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单词 Economic crisis
1. The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.
2. The country now faces an economic crisis .
3. An economic crisis is looming on the horizon .
4. Investments turned down considerably during the economic crisis.
5. The economic crisis was sweeping the whole of Europe.
6. His money was haemorrhaged in that economic crisis.
7. The economic crisis is deepening.
8. They did this to ease their economic crisis.
9. Financial crisis rapidly inflated to a nation-wide economic crisis.
10. The country became entangled in a grave economic crisis.
11. The economic crisis is getting worse and worse.
12. The economic crisis reflects badly on the government's policies.
13. Natural disasters have obvi-ously contributed to the continent's economic crisis.
14. The shadow of a greater economic crisis loom large in most of the developed countries in the world.
15. An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security.
16. The country's economic crisis had an unsettling effect on world markets.
17. This incident has sharpened public awareness of the economic crisis.
18. The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects.
19. In the context of the present economic crisis it seems unwise to lower taxes.
20. The country is in the midst of an economic crisis.
21. Many companies have been sent under in the economic crisis.
22. Cuba is emerging from five years of economic crisis.
23. The economic crisis caused famine, epidemics,[] and peasant revolt.
24. The national economic crisis led to the removal of many of the subsidies on foodstuffs.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. It represents a last ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis.
26. The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the present economic crisis.
27. Parliament has not yet begun to combat the deepening economic crisis, and public patience is wearing thin.
28. It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen.
29. The British press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.
30. There seems to be no way out of the current economic crisis.
1. The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.
2. The country now faces an economic crisis .
3. It represents a last ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis.
4. The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the present economic crisis.
5. It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen.
31. It was a major economic crisis with serious social and political repercussions.
32. Austerity measures introduced to combat the continuing economic crisis included cutbacks in the financial privileges enjoyed by government ministers and civil servants.
33. He had only a tiny parliamentary majority, and Britain was in the grip of another economic crisis.
34. Profits have shriveled since the start of the economic crisis.
35. The world faced an economic crisis that was potentially worse than the Great Depression of the 19305.
36. Britain lurched from one economic crisis to another under both Labour and Conservative governments.
37. In the mid-1970s this picture was about to change, as economic crisis produced widespread unemployment, and particularly high youth unemployment.
38. Opponents fret that the system might not provide enough help in times of rural economic crisis.
39. Another consequence of the war and economic crisis has been an increasing dependence on external aid.
40. To tackle the current economic crisis, it envisaged freezing government expenditure and reducing the costs of social security and unemployment benefit.
41. The Rao government moved swiftly to try and tackle the economic crisis.
42. Opposition groups dismissed the constitutional changes as a device to gain Western aid and approval at a time of economic crisis.
43. In recent years, the country has suffered a profound political and economic crisis(), and depravation is acute.
44. Mr Major has now flown home to deal with the economic crisis.
45. Economic crisis may produce political regimes which are radically different from those of even the interventionist capitalist state.
46. The combination of economic crisis with government discrimination and neglect is reflected in the education system.
47. Campesinos are hard hit by the economic crisis and government forces have deliberately destroyed the livelihood of many subsistence farming families.
48. Sharp inequalities between different classes and ethnic groups and between men and women are often exacerbated by debt and economic crisis.
49. Local stores and businesses are beginning to feel the pinch from the economic crisis.
50. On Dec. 23 Alia announced a reshuffle of key economic portfolios in an effort to tackle the country's economic crisis.
51. He must confront a severe economic crisis: 7m of the country's 12m population are trapped in poverty.
52. Others fret that the system might not provide enough help in times of rural economic crisis.
53. Key economic indicators which Gaidar cited in his speech illustrated the depth of the economic crisis.
54. The economic crisis of 1976 and the advent of Mrs Thatcher's Conservative government in 1979 was to change all that.
55. This is the last thing President Mikhail Gorbachev needs[sentence dictionary], as he tries to contain a staggering economic crisis.
56. The economic crisis reached into every corner of city life.
57. While Britain has borne the brunt of the economic crisis, Northern Ireland has been cushioned from the worst effects.
58. The devaluation or revaluation of a currency against the dollar was permitted only when a country faced a severe economic crisis.
59. A political and economic crisis of possibly considerable dimensions was avoided by two actions.
60. But in the midst of economic crisis, including at least 25 percent unemployment, the trade has swelled.
61. The next few weeks brought more grim news, as the economic crisis began to deepen.
62. It has cost his depleted national treasury at least $ 210 million in the midst of an economic crisis.
63. However, many commentators placed responsibility for the current economic crisis firmly on the Karami government's own policies.
64. The following day the government introduced emergency measures to tackle the economic crisis.
65. When economic crisis and agricultural crisis coincide labor really gets squeezed.
66. For it is in essence a political crisis without an economic crisis.
67. Investors took their money elsewhere, prompting a far-reaching economic crisis.
68. And his job could be threatened if he fails to convince delegates that Britain's economic crisis is not his fault.
69. The economic crisis was interpreted in diametrically opposing ways.
70. An economic crisis engulfed the entire capitalist world.
71. The war has aggravated an acute economic crisis.
72. the growing economic crisis and resultant unemployment.
73. Will the economic crisis force change, or entrench privilege?
74. Members of Opec agreed to cut oil production last year in response to the economic crisis.
75. Marquise: And anyway, I have no money. You may not have heard here about the economic crisis.
76. Meanwhile, the world economic crisis has catapulted China to even greater prominence in its own right.
77. Outsiders have been predicting that it couldn't last ever since. The financial and economic crisis currently plaguing the globe has lead the whole world into unchartered territory.
78. The weak housing market is largely responsible for an economic crisis that leading to new governmental steps in finical system.
79. In times of economic crisis, the ability of the free market to solve problems may come into question. But in one vital corner of the economy, a little creative capitalism is helping fill a gap.
80. But the new president's most urgent task will be to grapple with the economic crisis.
81. Aware of the miseries of the jobless workers caused by the economic crisis of the world, Chaplin decided to make use of the figurative language of movies as an outburst of his feelings.
82. After being acclaimed emperor by his troops in A.D. 69 and eliminating his rivals, Vespasian found Rome facing a deep economic crisis and still recovering from the fire that consumed it under Nero.
83. Asia economic crisis started in 1997 and bottom out in 2000.
84. Leaders gathered in Brussels on Sunday March 1st for an emergency summit to discuss the economic crisis dismissed suggestions, led by Hungary, that a single plan was needed to save the region.http://
85. Latvia's four-party ruling coalition collapsed on Friday and the president called for talks to forge a new government to tackle a deepening economic crisis.
86. The judicial organs to cope with the economic crisis and the social contradictions are constantly on the specific situation, and judicial explanation.
87. Zuma said the global economic crisis highlighted the need to reform the international financial system and multilateral lending groups like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
88. The economic crisis or world flu virus are no excuses for staleness . What we are doing is to exceed our past achievement.
89. Nyliok said just as so many people flock to newly independent South Sudan to resettle or to make a quick buck, funding for HIV/AIDS has been slashed in the global economic crisis.
90. American said in the U. S. borrow money on life, the car can not sell because the old lady and filled with goose six "economic crisis" is finally the haze has been wiped out.
91. Not long ago Europeans could, with considerable justification, say that the current economic crisis was actually demonstrating the advantages of their economic and social model.
92. Apart from the economic crisis of capitalist overproduction caused by periodic credit crisis, there is a major by the war, coups, famine and other causes of particular types of credit crisis.
93. The spectre of economic crisis is constantly haunting some countries.
94. The global financial and economic crisis is expected to severely impact infrastructure services in developing countries, as governments face shrinking resources and declining private financing flows.
95. But the new president's most urgent task will be to grapple with the economic crisis. If he succeeds, Americans of all hues will cheer.
96. He said the home mortgage crisis , the financial crisis and the broader economic crisis are interconnected.
97. The economic crisis has put the supporters of this bit of American exceptionalism on the defensive.
98. The economic crisis has provided China with a window of opportunity to leverage its relative stability and status as a trade surplus country to extend yuan credit to deficit countries globally.
99. The economic crisis in Greece is the most important thing to have happened in Europe since the Balkan wars.
100. Corruption and bureaucracy was far too entrenched in the economy for legislation to make a dent in the economic crisis.
101. In the three years leading up to the current economic crisis, export expansion accounted for 47 percent of overall American GDP growth, Kirk said.
102. And Monsanto's GM soya arrived in Argentina when the country was entering a major economic crisis, and agricultural income was badly needed.
103. Obstructing a nominee as well-qualified as Peter in a time of economic crisis is a harmful attempt to score political points that hurts our middle class and our broader economic recovery.
104. Iceland becomes the second European nation -- after Belgium -- to lose its government in the global economic crisis.
105. Started its Indian Chao machine, thus increasing the currency, currency devaluation, inflated, and the economic crisis.
106. But demonstrations fueled by the economic crisis led the Latvian government to resign last month.
107. Financial officials have been relieved that the economic crisis has not yet provoked a chain reaction of protectionist restrictions by countries trying to preserve their home industries.
108. As the economic crisis continues to worsen, it will become harder and harder to portray old-school Keynesianism as "change, " and the potential audience for the Austrian message will only grow.
109. The market for isophorone and its derivatives is growing steadily and proved to be robust even during the economic crisis.
110. The pathways for low carbon development illustrated by the Tyndall Centre scenarios have a particular resonance in the context of the current economic crisis.
111. Qu Xiaodong thinks, itself falls in economic crisis, all companies need to prepare hibernate through systole.
112. In economic crisis, undertake the risk that the company of the business that cross a state faces, want than run-of-mill company big.
113. IN what may come to be the definitive line about our current economic crisis, Warren Buffett said on the CNBC program "Squawk Box" this month that the United States economy has "fallen off a cliff."
114. In order to reduce the influence of the global economic crisis on the export industry of WuHan,[] The government has continually increased the export rebate rate seven times since August 1 st2008.
115. For all its focus on the evils of high finance, The Mendacity of Hope has surprisingly little to say about the current economic crisis, or the administration's response.
116. In times of economic crisis, the ability of the free market to solve problems may come into question .
117. Consider the case of Israel, which in the face of the economic crisis engaged in massive foreign currency intervention to weaken the shekel.
118. The era that we are living in is one full of stress: economic crisis, contretemps, frustration in school work, disharmony about interpersonal relations etc.
119. Who happened to preside over the economic crisis at the time?
120. The world economic crisis of 1929, after President Hoover simply proposing to suspend the German reparations to 90%.
121. In the years since, we have launched a war against al-Qa'ida and its affiliates, decided to fight a war in Iraq, and confronted a sweeping economic crisis.
122. Economic crisis still causes the storm and stress of Indonesian society and governmental reliance crisis, regnant and Indonesian the Suhatuo of 30 one's remaining years always...
123. Even in the dark days of this economic crisis, I hold out hope that some sort of "third way" can be found between the statist Democratic Party and the rapidly imploding Republican Party.
124. Carnegie Mellon University Economics Professor Lester Lave says the economic crisis made the change urgent.
125. A sample of more than 50 airlines lost more than $6b during the first half of the year amid the economic crisis, the International Air Transport Association said Tuesday.
126. It is quite apparant that natural disaster is the cause of the country's economic crisis.
127. Argentina's default, after a severe economic crisis, sparked social unrest and runs on banks.
128. ILO Economists say some nations have come up with polices to lessen the impact of lower wages during the economic crisis. An example of these is work sharing with government subsidies.
129. Mr. Obama also needs to inspire Americans who have been ground down by the economic crisis and Washington's small-bore sniping.
130. In 2008, during Ms. Palin's vice-presidential campaign, Mr. Trump said he trusted her to deal with the nation's economic crisis.
131. Sub-Saharan Africa was not hit as hard by the economic crisis as the other regions of the world because its financial sector is small.
132. Of course, immediate task or make every effort to resolve the economic crisis.
133. The global economic crisis tied to dried-up bank credit -- the lifeblood of all markets -- rocked Wall Street but also rolled over commodities, bursting bubbles right and left.
134. Mr. Zuma said the global economic crisis highlighted the need to reform the international financial system and multilateral lending groups like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
135. It is regrettable the current economic crisis for many training enterprises and ring the death Bell.
136. The enhancing of the capital organic structure is the necessary trend of the development, but the enhancing of the capital organic structure can certainly cause seasonal economic crisis.
137. But, beneath the furious roil of the economic crisis, a national conversation has quietly begun about the irrationality of our drug laws.
138. A continuation of the " muddle through " approach could lead the world into an unmanageable economic crisis.
139. Recently, manufactural industry in Japan was greatly affected by economic crisis. So many companies' sourcing will or requirement went down.
140. Economic crisis is the child of market economy, it is invalid overstock character actually, significant demand is insufficient.
141. This paper presents a case that the financial and economic crisis began in the U. S. in 2008 indicates the start of a systemic crisis of neoliberal capitalism.
142. One bordello, hoping to stave off falling demand in the economic crisis, has begun offering discounts to customers who pedal bicycles to the door.
143. Economic crisis is the inevitable outcome of the capitalist system.
144. Because of the economic crisis,[Sentencedict] habits that seemed unalterable are suddenly being altered.
145. Since the economic crisis, the US dollar has dropped compared to other major currencies, particularly the Swiss franc, Canadian dollar and Brazilian real.
146. However, the simple fact is that if the government does not stop spending money on welfare and warfare, America may soon face an economic crisis that could lead to people being thrown into the street.
147. Nevertheless, these apprehension are in of economic crisis puissant and oppressive fell to become the history.
148. The global economic crisis in 1929 aroused fear of unemployment.
149. Did he not invade Iraq on trumped-up charges, bend America's laws and values to permit the torture of prisoners, and leave his successor the worst economic crisis since the 1930s?
150. The economic crisis has stirred fears of greater instability as laid-off workers protest.
151. Sixteen staff are being made redundant by the school, which has seen its $3 billion endowment fund hit by the economic crisis.
152. The remonstrant activity on Saturday was hit in parade in economic crisis " put people in the first " catchword.
153. Claire Rusk, a shopper in Alexandria, Virginia, says she is changing her holiday spending habits this year because of the economic crisis, even though her nine-year-old son expects Christmas as usual.
154. Japan's economic snuffles contrast with the health of emerging Asia, where rapid growth has re-established itself since the global economic crisis.
155. We have to look at the early Seventies to gain a historical perspective of what a recovery from a real economic crisis in the developed world looks like in stock market terms.
156. The problem is that, as in the 1930s, most countries are looking inward, grappling with the domestic consequences of the economic crisis and paying little attention to the wider world crisis.
157. The credit system of capitalism created a gambling system of fraud that incurred money-making at risk with others'and social fortune and surely produced economic crisis.




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