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单词 Collectivist
1) Their vision of society was collectivist, grass-roots oriented and utterly antithetical to the privatised and mortgaged paradise of Thatcherism.
2) By the mid-1970s collectivist policies and the constraints on government they represented were so deeply entrenched that a virtual counter-revolution was required.
3) Proudhon called himself a mutualist; Bakunin, a collectivist.
4) The audience that wants more information about insect-like collectivist rodents is going to be pretty limited.
5) Studies have shown average conformity rates in collectivist cultures of between 25% and 58% whereas average conformity in individualist cultures is between 14% and 39%.
6) Collectivist cultures (typically East Asian) conform more because nonconformity is more strongly associated with deviance .
7) In a society that prides itself on being collectivist, they are suspicious loners.
8) But what happens if collectivist societies snap out of their economic stagnation?
9) Collectivist societies tend to pop up in parts of the world, especially around the equator, with plenty of disease-causing microbes.
10) While, Chinese culture a collectivist culture , western culture is mainly anindividualistic culture.
11) There are those with collectivist notions of social organization (the ideologues and visionaries among us) who assert we should all love one another and share our stuff and not be competitive.
12) Not being used to such a collectivist set-up, Apple refused to pay up, which triggered the first big legal skirmish over smart-phones.
13) Japan's collectivist ideals necessarily arose to allow the nation's large population to live comfortably together in a comparatively small archipelago.
14) Through this conservative normativist theory Dicey attempted to stem the tide of government growth in a collectivist direction.
15) Secondly,[http:///collectivist.html] the Fabians pressed evolutionary theory in service of a collectivist ideal.
16) Yet the clarity of Christ's statement hasn't stopped mankind from trying to bring heaven to earth ever since – mostly through political tyrannies of the collectivist utopian variety.
17) In 1937, Rand penned the novella Anthem, which depicts a dystopian collectivist future where even the word "I"has been forgotten.
18) The invisible hand of the market may be on the rise, but the dead hand of the old collectivist dream still exerts a powerful influence.
19) You can create a global continuum with the most individualistic societies — like the United States or Britain — on one end, and the most collectivist societies — like China or Japan — on the other.
20) Residents are being encouraged to sing "red" songs and send text messages promoting collectivist values.
21) A Low Individualism ranking typifies societies of a more collectivist nature with close ties between individuals.
22) If the crisis is used as an excuse to bring back the dead hand of collectivist policies, it is not only destructive of short-term economic well-being but also of long-term freedom and prosperity.
23) It also involved a substantial shift in German domestic politics away from free enterprise, or what remained of it under Weimar, toward collectivist economic planning.
24) The period from 1980 to 2000 illustrates how well markets can perform when freed from even some of the collectivist constraints of the past.




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