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单词 steady state theory
释义  Related topics: Physics, Astronomyˌsteady ˈstate ˌtheory noun [singular] technical  HPHAthe idea that things in space have always existed and have always been moving away from each other as new atoms begin to exist 〔宇宙学中的〕稳恒态学说,定态理论 → big bang theoryExamples from the Corpussteady state theory• One was the so-called steady state theory.• The proposal that gained widest support was called the steady state theory.• There was no reasonable mechanism in the steady state theory to generate microwaves with such a spectrum.• Either explanation contradicted the predictions of the steady state theory.• The steady state theory therefore had to be abandoned.ˌsteady ˈstate ˌtheory nounChineseSyllable  things always the Corpus space that idea in have




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