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单词 erupt
释义  Related topics: Geologye·rupt /ɪˈrʌpt/ ●○○ verb [intransitive]  1  START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCif fighting, violence, noise etc erupts, it starts suddenly 〔搏斗、暴力事件、噪音等〕突然发生;爆发 SYN break out Violence erupted after police shot a student during the demonstration. 警察向示威人群中的一名学生开枪,暴乱随之发生。 A political row erupted over the MP’s comments. 这名下院议员的评论引发了一场政治论战。2. HEGif a volcano erupts, it explodes and sends smoke, fire, and rock into the sky 〔火山〕爆发,喷发► see thesaurus at explode →4  See picture of 见图 EXPLOSION3  if a place or situation erupts, there is a sudden increase in activity or emotion 〔活动〕爆发;〔情绪〕迸发erupt into They were angry to the point of erupting into riot. 他们气得几乎要闹事了。 Their conversations often erupted into squabbles. 他们谈话时经常会突然争吵起来。4  erupt into laughter/shouting etc START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCto suddenly start laughing, shouting etc 突然大笑/叫喊起来等 He erupted into loud, desperate sobs. 他突然拼命地大声抽泣起来。5. HBHif spots erupt on your body, they suddenly appear on your skin 〔丘疹等在皮肤上〕突然出现,冒出 —eruption /ɪˈrʌpʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable] a volcanic eruption 火山爆发 the eruption of violence 发生暴力事件→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuserupt• Massive and often violent protests erupted across the country.• Though you try to keep a lid on those growing feelings, eventually they erupt, affecting those you love the most.• Occasionally a hot spot would erupt and an orange halo would expand into the night.• Part of the stage erupted at 1: 26 a. m., and metal shards flew all over Centennial Olympic Park.• This does erupt, but not to a defined time schedule.• Gang violence can erupt for no apparent reason.• A fight over a game of cards had erupted in the corner of the bar.• But everyone erupted into giggles and bolted down the street as free of deference as the wind.• But every so often, something will erupt out of nowhere, break through our defences and turn the well-ordered furniture upside-down.• A controversy has erupted over the price of the new weapons system.• Lava erupted underwater cools very rapidly with a plastic skin forming around lumps of still molten material.• But where the lava erupted, whole communities have been vaporized.erupt into• In 1999 the housing market suddenly erupted into a buying frenzy.• The memorial service for the slain leader erupted into a riot Saturday.Origin erupt (1600-1700) Latin past participle of erumpere “to burst out”e·rupt verbChineseSyllable  noise erupts, etc Corpus starts if suddenly violence, fighting, it




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