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单词 Filling
1. Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. 
2. Lake Erie is filling with the heavy rain.
3. The dentist said she would do the filling straightaway.
4. The room was filling quickly.
5. The seats in the hall were filling up fast.
6. At the moment,(sentence dictionary) most reservoirs are filling fast.
7. Who's filling in for you while you're away?
8. I am filling in.
9. Don't forget to cap the tank after filling it up with petrol.
10. Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. Jules Renard 
11. His car drew up before the oil - filling station.
12. It makes a superb filling for cakes and sponges.
13. The balloon was distended because of filling of hydrogen.
14. I'm filling in for Joe for a few days.
15. We had to spend hours filling in forms.
16. Although it is tasty, crab is very filling.
17. I have a filling in the tooth.
18. I could hear the cistern filling.
19. Miller's band was filling dancehalls all over the country.
20. Her main job was filling the doctor's prescriptions.
21. The food is filling and wholesome.
22. My job was filling the flour sacks.
23. What's the filling in these pies?
24. Pasta and rice are both very filling.
25. People began filling up the empty seats.
26. I have a filling in my tooth.
27. I heard his deep warm voice filling the room.
28. Spread some of the filling over each pancake.
29. We can not tell the precise moment when friendship is founded, As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over ; so in a serics of kindness there is at last one which makes the heart run over. 
30. The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.
1. Lake Erie is filling with the heavy rain.
2. The dentist said she would do the filling straightaway.
3. The room was filling quickly.
4. The seats in the hall were filling up fast.
5. At the moment, most reservoirs are filling fast.
6. Who's filling in for you while you're away?
7. I am filling in.
8. Don't forget to cap the tank after filling it up with petrol.
9. The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.
10. His car drew up before the oil - filling station.
11. I awoke to bright sunlight filling my room. It was already midday.
12. Following the heavy rain, the storage tanks were filling up again.
13. April 15 is the deadline for filling individual income - tax returns.
31. Filling in forms is such a drag!
32. I have no trouble filling my time.
33. Filling in all those forms was a nightmare.
34. She wrote away all day,(http:///filling.html) filling page after page.
35. They want less passive ways of filling their time.
36. This cake is very filling.
37. Will you oblige by filling in this form?
38. The two girls were employed for filling envelopes.
39. That's not a career. She's just filling in time until she gets married.
40. You can claim back the overpaid tax by filling in this form.
41. I awoke to bright sunlight filling my room. It was already midday.
42. He was filling a jar with coins for his holiday.
43. I'm not her regular secretary - I'm just filling in.
44. Follow the instructions very carefully when filling in the form.
45. I'm not one of the regular people here, I'm just filling in time before I go to college.
46. Following the heavy rain, the storage tanks were filling up again.
47. A girl's place is in the home, not gallivanting around and filling her head with nonsense.
48. Mr Adams can't hold his liquor as he used to, so tell them not to keep filling his glass.
49. He had an assemblage of old junk cars filling the backyard.
50. I spent most of the summer filling the gaps in my education.
51. 'Please don't talk like that,' Ellen implored him, her eyes filling with tears .
52. I'm running out of petrol, so I have to stop at the next filling station.
53. John finished growing taller last year, and he's filling out.
54. April 15 is the deadline for filling individual income - tax returns.
55. While the bath was filling, he padded about in his underpants.
56. He went through the ritual of filling and lighting his pipe.
57. The best way to start the day is with a big filling breakfast.
58. Well, basically, it's a matter of filling in a few forms.
59. There was something very decadent about filling ourselves with so much rich food.
60. He was filling a jerry can with petrol from the pump.
61. I got on with the business of filling in the form.
62. Complete the following sentences by filling the blanks with proper prepositions and adverbs.
63. It mixes easily with cold or hot water to make a tasty, filling drink.
64. Spoon the filling onto the dough, fold it over, and press down the edges.
65. Mr Adams can't carry his liquor as he used to, so tell them not to keep filling his glass.
66. Filling stations have whacked as much as a dime off their regular prices.
67. Dena was filling the role of diplomat's wife with the skill she had learned over the years.
68. My partner is on holiday this week so I'm filling in .
69. Graham Fletcher was unimpressed with the idea of filling in a lengthy questionnaire.
70. Spread filling evenly in pan, mounding slightly in center.
71. And who, today, comes anywhere near filling that role?
72. A lamp, a table, light filling a room.
73. Cooking for him, filling his bowl.
74. A solitary fern-gatherer was filling his basket with specimens.
75. Next I ate the chocolatey-cream filling.
76. Cold glass and cold metal frame filling that room.
77. The car was filling with smoke.
78. The scent of blood was all around, filling its fierce and tiny mind with one overwhelming desire.
79. Nobody would be there with the party filling the other rooms.
80. That is quite a different matter from filling in forms stored in computers and obtaining quickie divorces.
81. Please read the notes before filling in the application form on pages 3 and 4.
82. They look all right but taste bland and the filling turns to runny brown jam once warmed up.
83. A grandmother in Ohio receives a letter promising various gifts in exchange for filling out a questionnaire.
84. Often bedridden, young Toulouse-Lautrec developed his artistic abilities by filling notebooks with sketches.
85. Cover the entire surface with your chosen filling and transfer to an oiled baking sheet.
86. Both are light sponge cakes with jam and vanilla filling, decorated with soft fondant icing.
87. Made of sponge cake with buttercream and jam filling, it is part of the Jane Asher Party Cake range.
88. Our cassoulets arrive in porcelain pots, filling the air with a wonderful aroma.
89. Thousands of students are diligently filling out final exams with Number 2 pencils.
90. Soften the cream cheese and mix all ingredients for the filling.
91. Filling in cracked paint and stabilizing cracks with adhesives can be painstaking.
92. Spread the bottom half with the cooled apple filling and cover with the top half of the cake.
93. The roundness of the pleat is improved by filling it with a little wadding or a tube of curtain buckram.
94. Will my right hon. Friend agree to talk to the museum to ascertain whether he can guide it in filling the gap?
95. In the kitchen Maude was singing softly as she baked bread, its sweet, fresh scent filling the house.
96. Remember that baking shapes need to be placed on a greaseproof-lined baking sheet before filling.
97. Roll out the bread lightly with a rolling pin after cutting off the crusts and spread thickly with the cheese filling.
98. Lunch will be fairly small and might feature a salad or small sandwich with a low-fat filling, or yogurt and fruit.
99. The results, which are kept on file, are referred to when filling job orders.
100. Now it has launched a series of competitions to select the best ways of filling the gaps in Britain's armoury.
101. The first Montblancs were filled by unscrewing the nib section and filling the barrel with an eye dropper.
102. As a pie filling it is rich and dark without the cloying and heavy qualities of mincemeat.
103. Arrange kiwi slices on top of the filling, overlapping in circles.
104. Stir nuts and water into remaining cake mix mixture, then sprinkle over filling.
105. Otherwise, the method of filling in the coupon is the same.
106. Cover with remaining dough, pressing dough around filling with fingers to remove air bubbles.
107. Alternatively, you can make your own by filling two plastic bottles with water or sand or use cans of beans.
108. And they push and prod them to do everything from filling out college applications to finishing their science projects.
109. Perhaps the clearest indication of this was the difficulty he encountered in filling the job of finance minister in his new cabinet.
110. Then chaotic behaviour recurs, with the phase space trajectories being initially confined to bands and subsequently filling a whole region.
111. Then fold the dough over the filling, pinching the two sides together until you have a half-moon dumpling.
112. Another passenger convinced her to leave the plane, which was quickly filling with a choking smoke.
113. Fold the phyllo, in flag fashion, from the left bottom corner up and over the filling to enclose the spinach.
114. Place two teaspoons of filling in the centre of each round, making sure it fills the hollow.
115. I like it with a filling of apricot and orange, but you can experiment with other fruit fillings.
116. At a local level, Gloucester's changes were largely confined to filling gaps left by the removal of the Woodvilles.
117. Misner tried to bridge it by filling it with chunks of ice in order to help Miss Hall over.
118. When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs? G.K. Chesterton 
119. You can't win that by filling in a football coupon.
120. His expression was bland, and he obviously had no intention of filling the damning silence.
121. There is a carpet of sunshine on the floor and blue sky filling the windows.
122. In gall bladder filling after a test meal, V r e s reflects maximum gall bladder volume.
123. The knowledge of a critic is useful here for filling in relevant background information.
124. Everywhere was quiet, however, and the light was fading rapidly(), filling the little house with shadow.
125. Anyway, ethnicity is one way of filling the empty containers of nationalism.
126. Tesco has linked up to Equifax to combat card fraud at its filling station sites.
127. While disagreeing with his explanation, Priest ley was quick to describe suitably scaled up apparatus for filling balloons.
128. Squire's Choice - sliced roast beef rolled up with a filling of pickled red cabbage and horseradish sauce. 3.
129. The problem is filling the antimatter tanks without annihilating them.
130. Slant wall: filling is in slanted sections giving more even distribution.
131. They return to their business, filling the salt baths, washing, drinking their coffee.
132. Even as it was, the glare of the Earth, filling half the sky, drowned all but the brighter stars.
133. The affirmations and visualizations are like the beer filling the empty paper cup.
134. But you couldn't feel smug about filling up your tank with unleaded while all that was going on.
135. Click on 'next' when you have finished filling out the form.
136. And he knew he was the only one of them who could truly justify filling that empty seat.
137. Headteachers began filling empty reception class places with under-fives in the Seventies because the low birth-rate had caused a shortage of five-year-olds.
138. She turned on the external floods, filling the bay with deathly white light.
139. A spark-boat sputtered by, filling the air with the smell of ozone.
140. The falsetto laugh of a woman suddenly delighted, her voice filling the entire bay for an instant.
141. Bed down on fire cement, allowing it to dry before filling in behind it.
142. This is trapped between the inner and outer shell with an insulating filling divided into compartments for greater efficiency.
143. He could get his feet on the ground by filling a lefty bullpen need.
144. Thomas gave Rose credit for filling the role of point guard Wednesday.
145. Many managers interpret that as being an administrative chore, filling in objective work-sheets and completing performance appraisal forms.
146. It is an elevating experience filling gas balloons for the Christmas party.
147. So I had a wonderful time filling in for him, and in the process learned a tremendous amount.
148. I don't read reviews, but the New York Times alone is still capable of emptying or filling a theatre.
149. She doodled a lot when she was bored, filling her notes with stars and planets.
150. Then after filling a plastic bag she popped the lot in the bin.
151. Pile in the filling, and top with a sprinkling of chopped chives.
152. Make the filling: Season the chicken well with salt and pepper.
153. I know Fresnans who keep close count of the Southern California transplants filling their blocks.
153. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
154. Sedimentrich runoff from logging, road building and real estate development has been filling the lake with nitrogen and phosphorous.
155. It's simple to do this now by filling in the direct debit and covenant on the back of the donation form.
156. But the sea rushed in, smoothing away the names, filling her shoes with frothy, sandy water.
157. With a south-westerly wind filling her sails, Seawitch was slicing through the sparkling waves like a hot knife through butter.
158. Baked in a kiln at the old corn mill, the filling was made from mutton and fowl.
159. Besides, she was busy writing letters and filling out applications for grad school.
160. It was learned that a rifle ball had severed a leg artery and that his boot was filling with blood.
161. A huge chasm had appeared with flames creeping through and billowing smoke filling the air.
162. During the summer, he had insulated the roof by filling the areas between the joists with glass fibre wool.
163. At first, they were sending up sponges every few minutes, filling wooden baskets.
164. Neighborbood filling stations, laundries, and print shops suddenly find themselves facing an avalanche of rules and reporting requirements.
165. Other engineering and light industries are filling many of the old mills and clothing factories.
166. Festive Filling - cooked chopped turkey and apple combined with cranberry sauce. 9.
167. This lifted investors' spirits immensely, as well as filling well-informed politicians' campaign coffers.
168. To serve, cut through crust with a knife and serve filling with a large spoon.
169. The result is important since it decreases the rate of bladder filling during the night and allows us to sleep longer.
170. Does the whole conceptual perspective of the Monitor theory narrow down to a focus on filling in the blanks?
171. The windows above glow because of their alabaster filling but make the interior darker than it would be with glass.
172. Exposed to vacuum, the contents of tank 2 evaporated in a flash, filling sector 4 of the module.
173. Finally, you can present the text orally as a partial dictation, with students filling in missing words as they listen.
174. Most polyester duvets contain the most technically advanced non-allergenic filling which have the advantage of being machine washable.
175. As he did so, he felt a great sadness, an acute sense of loss, filling his entire being.
176. She was on the phone and he stood silently, filling the doorway, raising an eyebrow at her.
177. Lay remaining 6 slices of bread on top of filling.
178. He could feel his strength returning; could feel the brandy coursing through his veins, filling him with a warm glow.
179. After filling several notebook pages with black scrawl, I stopped the recorder.
180. The letters are manna from heaven, filling my time and recharging my batteries.
181. They circled in the wind, their cries filling the morning air as we crossed the bottom meadows into the hamlet.
182. But the flames were beginning to burn him and the smoke was filling his head.
183. Filling in the two charts on page 32 gives the best indication of what you can afford.
184. Cesar sat beside him, his bulk filling out his expensive, flashy gangster's suit.
185. The pub was filling and the smoke haze thickened as spirits rose.
186. Inclusion in the large diameter cavity but not in the smaller establishes size and shape as factors influencing the ease of filling.
187. Pipe the filling into the buns and decorate the tops with any that is over.
188. It is just that he no longer thinks that filling every cavity is one of them.
189. In those days cookery writers weren't just filling out their recipes with ingredients they were being paid to sell.
190. Once on the system, it saves time and allows me to concentrate on walking the crops, not filling in forms.
191. Sponsor Form Important Please take photocopies of this form before filling it in if you are going to collect lots of sponsors.
192. She had not noticed Amy filling and plugging in an electric kettle, but it was singing efficiently next to the cooker.
193. There were waiters everywhere, coming and going all during the meal, emptying ashtrays, filling our glasses of water.
194. In small saucepan, combine condensed milk and chocolate chips to make filling.
195. Barium meal showed a filling defect in the prepyloric region.
196. Hansel overheard the conversation and prepared for the inevitable by filling his pockets with pebbles.
197. The main room was awash with bowls of pink and white carnations, the sweet, peppery scent filling the room.
198. Three waiters descended on the table, filling water glasses, adjusting silverware and plates.
199. Filling stations are rarities: it behoves car owners to keep a watch on their reserves of petrol.
200. Oil burners are wonderful ways of filling a room with a relaxing aroma.
201. For the filling, beat the butter with the icing sugar until light and fluffy, then beat in the chocolate liqueur.
202. Remember, by filling in a donor card you could help save some one's life.
203. Supper Wholemeal sandwich with low-fat cream cheese and banana filling.
204. Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. Socrates 
205. SuperMario Mini rolls are chocolate flavoured mini rolls, covered in real milk chocolate, with a chocolate buttercream filling.
206. Her hair whipped around her face; she felt the icy chill filling her.
207. Our culture has no Obon ready-made, but we are filling in as best we can.
208. The traditional filling is a spicy mixture of minced lamb or beef, tomato and onion.
209. She ran a bath, defying the rule by more than half filling the tub instead of sticking to the permitted five inches.
210. I took a few paces towards her, filling the air with the sweet music of my song.
211. Despite problems filling up the office building, the entire deal is already generating a positive return.
212. But whatever he did, the Jaguar was always there, filling any crack in the traffic with stately inevitability.
213. In most cases, you subscribe by sending a single email message or by filling out a form on a Web page.
214. Like others, we saw postprandial gall bladder filling rather than contraction at 45 minutes and four hours after injection.
215. Then a face swam into view above him, filling his blurred vision, as he regained consciousness.
216. Some sleeping bags are made from fibrepile which is not a filling as such.
217. This soft filling is intended to allow the fire-back to expand under the fierce heat without cracking.
218. If you have wall space that needs filling, look in your kitchen cabinets first before running out to buy something.
219. The dentist carefully located the filling in the cavity.
220. My words were lost as the walls above us crashed down, filling the cellar with brick dust.
221. Antibiotic vial filling and sealing machine screw filling machine. --- Pharmacy Use.
222. Auckland plans on filling one of its many extinct volcanoes with sewage.
223. We stopped at the filling station because we needed gasoline.
224. The next trail would require a slightly higher filling density acid.
225. Alternatively, you can submit an enquiry by filling in the below.




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