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单词 Unionist
1. She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward.
2. He was working in coalition with other Unionist leaders.
3. Unionist hardliners warned the U.S. President he would not be welcome.
4. He called senior Unionist politicians to a meeting at Number Ten.
5. Politically Haslam was prominent in the Liberal Unionist cause.
6. Day in Politics, page 6 Brooke raises Unionist hopes.
7. Paisley had Craig expelled from the unionist coalition.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Many coalition schemes were wrecked by Unionist hostility, yet Unionists also complained when the government then changed course.
9. In an eerie echo of Adams, unionist leaders gave warnings of further violence which sounded more like threats than warnings.
10. North Down - remained unionist, but Conservatives are no longer the majority party.
11. At the next meeting of the Unionist Cabinet Ministers Boscawen threw in his lot with me.
12. It was in this general context that the Unionist attitude to Marconi was set.
13. Any genuinely orthodox unionist would have been a member since late adolescence!
14. All his colleagues both Liberal and Unionist, urged him to resign as it was the only solution to the difficulty.
15. But Asquith's refusal greatly strengthened the Unionist position. as it left Lloyd George wholly dependent on his allies.
16. The Unionist leader then went immediately to see Lloyd George, with whom he had conferred before his visit to the Palace.
17. The liberals had been defeated and the Unionist Party was once again being led by traditional unionists.
18. This was the most respectable strain of Unionist opposition to the coalition.
19. Unionist politicians accused him of naivety and dismissed the truce as a publicity stunt.
20. Only Limavady changed from unionist to nationalist hands, and Magherafelt moved from no overall majority to nationalist control.
21. A few days later the Ulster Unionist Council rejected the Sunningdale proposals by 427 votes to 374.
22. Harry West was elected leader of the Unionist party on 22 January, 1974.
23. Hon. Members from the Democratic Unionist party are constantly asking me that question.
24. The trades unionist suspects that in competitive capitalism the weak go to the wall.
25. Finally. the House of Lords was a prime domestic reason for Unionist acceptance of coalition. but a constant source of friction.
26. Unionists responded by either boycotting council meetings or trying to exclude SinnFein councillors, depending on whether or not there was a unionist majority.
27. In the last six months, inter-party rivalry has been subordinated to the need for a united unionist front.
28. Mr Adams's defeat in the only Northern Ireland seat to change hands was widely welcomed by nationalist and Unionist politicians.
29. The second grouping centred on William Craig who remained in the Unionist Party despite his constant criticisms of its direction.
30. On July 11, the police appeared to capitulate to unionist demands.
1. She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward.
31. Paisley asserted that, had he wanted to destroy the Unionist Party, he would have fielded candidates in all the constituencies.
32. It is a pledge that only the Conservative and Unionist Party can give.
33. Home Rule's suspension was real, and every attempt to implement it in wartime provoked sufficient Unionist outrage to stop it.
34. Very few Unionists were Nonconformists and most of these had come into the party from the Liberal Unionist side.
35. Unionist associations passed resolutions of support and the Unionist press hailed Borden as the hero who had saved the empire.
36. Trade unionist and the Cardinal Archbishop of Palermo addressed the rally.
37. Distinctly disappointing has been the negative posturing of the Unionist political establishment led by Trimble and Paisley.
38. The presentation of that election as a popular referendum prevented a new populist attack on the Unionist government.
39. At the next elections to the Council, Wylie continued his protest by standing as a Protestant Unionist and he was elected.
40. Revival under Law, 1911-1914 Few contemporaries would have expected Balfour's retirement to lead to a Unionist recovery.
41. However, support for the Unionist Party was neither total nor uncritical.
42. In parliament there would be a carefully organized campaign of resistance that would at least slow the government down and raise Unionist morale.
43. Ulster Unionist leader Jim Molyneaux is billed to speak at two conference fringe meetings.
44. Secondly, the Ulster Unionist party felt that supplies of natural gas should be obtained for Northern Ireland.
45. Almost all Protestants voted for the Unionist Party and Catholics either voted for nationalists or abstained.
46. A case can be made out for the 1918 election as a Unionist victory rather than a coalition victory.
47. Unless the growing spirit of the movement could be harnessed coherently, mob rule would replace Unionist minority rule.
48. In December they picketed the Guildhall and the local Unionist Party headquarters, and called on the unemployed to become more militant.
49. The Ulster Unionist security spokesman maintained a stiff upper lip as he had his moustache shaved off - for charity.
50. As was noted earlier, elections in Northern Ireland itself have always produced clear majorities in favour of Unionist government.
51. The group got its first taste of the opposition to the plan when it met Ulster Unionist representatives in Belfast.
52. Alderman Lewis, a trade unionist and local Labour politician from the Midlands.
53. On political opinion, the submission of the Ulster Unionist party shows, I am pleased to say, movement towards reality.
54. Faced with resignation from the union or the sack, the last trade unionist left in 1989.
55. Brian Faulkner thereupon resigned as leader of the Unionist party and this was followed by further resignations.
56. One wonders, given the present unionist leadership, if it ever will.
57. A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted soas to retain Unionist minority control.
58. The attacks are every bit as alarming to local unionist politicians who have been quick to issue statements of condemnation.
59. There was widespread acknowledgement that the absence of the Unionist parties had created a partial vacuum.
60. Most of the Official Unionist members at Westminster had remained close to the Faulknerites.
61. The Conservative and Unionist party will fight the next general election as the party of the Union.
62. Unionist immediately rejected the idea, calling it a betrayal.
63. I was not a trade unionist.
64. It looks like an opportunity for a trade unionist.
65. To begin with the Unionist soldiers fought without any real purpose and their losses were terrible.
66. The incoming government in 1983 led by Bob Hawke, a former trade unionist, was the first to take serious remedial action.
67. Cyril Ramaphosa, a former trade unionist turned businessman and a key negotiator in the democratic transition, could make a political comeback, but may not please the left.
68. Whitehall did nothing to reverse that decision, despite the opposition of unionist politicians.
69. As a former unionist, he'll be more sensitive to the demands of the people.
70. Unionist immediately objected ( rejected ) the idea, calling it a betrayal.
71. The Gospels don't quite tell us that Jesus was a trade unionist, but they do suggest he backed a living wage.
72. She chose a crane where another trade unionist committed suicide several years ago during a separate labour row.
73. The quote, often attributed to Gandhi, most likely originated with the trade unionist Nicholas Klein, of the Amalgamated Clothing Works of America at their Third Biennial Convention in 1918.
74. In this year's election he stood as a Unionist, and...was defeated by a Leaguer.




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