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单词 epiphany
释义  epiphany noun [countable] literary  an occasion when you suddenly understand something 顿悟Related topics: ChristianityE·piph·a·ny /ɪˈpɪfəni/ noun [uncountable]  RRCa Christian holy day on January 6th that celebrates the day when the Three Kings came to see the baby Jesus 主显节〔1月6日,纪念三博士拜见圣婴耶稣的基督教节日〕Examples from the CorpusEpiphany• Come Epiphany, she had grown too fond of them to take them down.• To return to the question concerning the meaning of Epiphany let me ask another question.• He had resolved to begin the communal discernment that he hoped would end the Standing on the Sunday after the Epiphany.• It's hardly three weeks to Epiphany.• Does anyone know what the word Epiphany means?Origin epiphany (1600-1700) French épiphanie, from Greek epiphaneia “appearance”epiphany nounE·piph·a·ny nounChineseSyllable  occasion an something you Corpus suddenly when understand




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