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单词 enforcer
释义 Word family  noun enforcement enforcer adjective enforceable enforced verb enforce  en·forc·er /ɪnˈfɔːsə $ -ˈfɔːrsər/ noun [countable]  someone whose job is to make sure people do the things they should 〔法规等的〕执行者 a law enforcer 执法人员 an enforcer for a drugs gang 贩毒集团的打手Examples from the Corpusenforcer• As Hospital Warrant Officer, he is a fair but firm advocate and enforcer of Service traditions and discipline.• It transforms the police officer from an investigator and enforcer into a catalyst in a process of community self-help.• Edmonton enforcer Kelly Buchberger scored twice in last night's game.• Even so, marriage is hardly a foolproof enforcer of monogamy.• The prison system became, by default, a major enforcer of repression.• As a proactive enforcer a field man must always be prepared for the unexpected.• But the real enforcers seem to be the fans, for whom the masked wrestlers are a major focus of fantasy.• Ironically, the sublime progress of Knight and Singh left little time for the real enforcers.• When the dust settles, we are the enforcers, the last line of law.en·forc·er nounChineseSyllable  the people is make to whose someone Corpus job do sure things




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