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单词 emphasize
释义 Word family  noun emphasis adjective emphatic verb emphasize adverb emphatically  em·pha·size (also emphasise British English) /ˈemfəsaɪz/ ●●○ W2 AWL verb [transitive]  1  EMPHASIZEto say something in a strong way 强调,着重 SYN stress The report emphasizes the importance of improving safety standards. 报告强调了改进安全标准的重要性。 Logan made a speech emphasizing the need for more volunteers. 罗根发表演讲,强调需要更多的志愿者。emphasize that/how The prime minister emphasized that there are no plans to raise taxes. 首相强调并无增税计划。2. to say a word or phrase louder or higher than others to give it more importance 重读〔单词或短语〕 SYN stress3  to make something more noticeable 使明显,使突出 SYN accentuate The dress emphasized the shape of her body. 这条连衣裙凸显了她的体形。 THESAURUSemphasize to say strongly or show clearly that a fact, idea etc is especially important 强调,着重Our company emphasizes the need for good communication between staff. 我公司强调员工间良好沟通的必要性。stress to emphasize something when you are talking about a subject 强调,着重Most schools stress the importance of parental involvement in their child’s learning. 大多数学校强调家长参与对孩子学习的重要性。He stressed the need for parents to listen to their children. 他着重指出,家长需要倾听孩子的心声。highlight to show that something is important, so that people will pay special attention to it 使突出,使注意力集中于This case highlights the need for tougher laws on gun ownership. 这宗案件突显出有必要对私人持枪制定更为严厉的法律。The report highlights the decline in the numbers of native plants and insects. 报告强调当地植物及昆虫的数量有所减少。underline/underscore to help to show clearly that a fact is true, especially a fact that is already known 强调〔尤指已知事实〕,使突出These attacks underline the fact that the security situation here remains fragile. 这些袭击案突显出这里的治安依然薄弱。nThe president’s speech repeatedly underscored the progress that has been made.accentuate to show something clearly and make it easier to notice 使突出,强调The recent economic crisis has accentuated the gap between the rich and the poor. 最近的经济危机使贫富差距尤显突出。overemphasize to emphasize something too much 过分强调,过于重视The relation between food and health is often overemphasized in my view. 在我看来,食品与健康之间的关系被过分强调了。play up to emphasize something and make it seem more important than it really is, especially to get advantages for yourself 夸大,大肆渲染The story has been played up by the media. 此事被媒体大肆宣传。The Labour party had a great time playing up the Conservatives’ problems. 工党抓住保守党的问题大做文章。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusemphasize• No one technique works for everyone, he emphasizes.• This aspect was emphasized by the title of his paper on Penicillium.• What is being emphasized here is the fact that the two terms should not cause the proposal author confusion.• Other well-known writers emphasize not the failures of servants, but the tyranny of masters.• But in this case, they emphasize, short term may mean just a few months.• However it should be emphasized that nominal responsibility is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training.• My teacher always emphasized the importance of studying hard.• When applying for a job, make sure you emphasize the interests and leisure activities that an employer would find relevant.• She emphasized the "Ms." when she introduced herself.• Intransigence and personal suffering highlighted the principle at stake and emphasized the need of fighting for it.emphasizes ... importance• Step seven emphasizes the importance of humility in maintaining sobriety.• Axelrod also emphasizes the importance of predictability and ritual in maintaining a stable pattern of mutual trust.• This emphasizes the importance of the cell's internal programme.• This latter step emphasizes the importance which you attach to the whole process.em·pha·size verb →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  way strong a say to something Corpus in




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