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单词 emblazoned
释义  em·bla·zoned /ɪmˈbleɪzənd/ adjective [not before noun]  DECORATEif something is emblazoned with a name, design etc, it has that design on it where it can easily be seen 印有〔名字、图案等〕标志的emblazoned with a T-shirt emblazoned with a political slogan 印有政治口号的T恤衫emblazoned on/across The sponsor’s name is emblazoned on the players’ shirts. 赞助商的名字印在了球员的运动衫上。 —emblazon verb [transitive]Examples from the Corpusemblazoned on/across• One is selling T-shirts, with Versace emblazoned on the front.• The dark interior of this little shrine is dedicated to the Lobkovic family whose name is emblazoned on the red lacquer screen.• To hir, the grandiose promises of Utopia emblazoned across the screen were not only unconvincing but nauseating.• The bonus to the restaurant was that its name would be emblazoned on the side of the bins in smart gold letters.• It was white, emblazoned on the sides in red.• The 747 was waiting on the runway, in pristine white livery, the Virgin name emblazoned on the tailfin in red.em·bla·zoned adjectiveChineseSyllable  etc, emblazoned a it with is name, if Corpus design something




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