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单词 wheelbarrow
释义  Related topics: Gardeningwheel·bar·row /ˈwiːlˌbærəʊ $ -roʊ/ noun [countable]   DLGa small cart with one wheel and two handles that you use outdoors to carry things, especially in the garden 独轮手推车 →4  See picture of 见图 GARDENING →5 see picture at 见图 gardenExamples from the Corpuswheelbarrow• After his trial the Quaker was chained to a wheelbarrow and twice beaten by a Negro slave until he collapsed.• Camels, vehicles, even wheelbarrows give equanimity in the desert.• Shovels, wheelbarrows and a friend were pressed into action.• That afternoon the wheelbarrow even stuck when I pulled it off the road for a break.• I threw myself on top of the wheelbarrow to hold it down as he passed.• I secured the locks on the wheelbarrow, crawled under canvas and wrote up the log and two letters.• I met them leeward of the middle vehicle, where they lent a hand to tip the wheelbarrow into a stable position.• I clambered on to the wheelbarrow, to pray for a healing miracle, laying aside my glasses and hat.wheel·bar·row nounChineseSyllable  one cart handles wheel two with Corpus and a small




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