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单词 None the
1. The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends. 
2. The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better. 
3. A good tale is none the worse for being twice told. 
4. Luckily, the horse seemed none the worse for his fall.
5. He's none the worse for falling into the river.
6. He was none the worse for his adventure.
7. He seems none the worse for the experience.
8. My car is none the worse for wear.
9. The children were none the worse for their adventure.
10. She seems none the worse for her experience.
11. I was none the wiser after his explanation.
12. The kids were none the worse for their adventure.
13. I like a man none the worse for being outspoken.
14. Even after listening to his explanation I'm none the wiser.
15. She seemed none the worse for her night out in the cold.
16. I've read the instructions, but I'm still none the wiser.
17. They are all apparently fit and well and none the worse for the fifteen hour journey.
18. I've read the instructions twice and I'm still none the wiser.
19. After all his explanations , I remained none the wiser.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Small investors like myself are probably none the richer after handing over their financial affairs to professional advisers.
21. Although encircled, they are none the less deeply entrenched.
22. After hearing her talk on computers I'm afraid I'm none the wiser.
23. She told me what it meant at great length but I'm afraid I'm none the wiser.
24. You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances.
25. Her husband often rated at her, but he loved her none the less.
26. He became convinced that his illness was purely imaginary: that made it none the better.
27. Charlie explained how the system works, but I'm still none the wiser.
28. They were trapped in the cave for a couple of days but they were none the worse for their experience.
29. If we take only one piece of cake, mother will be none the wiser.
30. It's not cheap but I think we should buy it none the less.
1. Luckily, the horse seemed none the worse for his fall.
31. None the less, there is ample room for improvement.
32. None the less, the issue is being debated.
33. None the less, his tennis has high ambitions.
34. A good guess, but false none the less.
35. They received, none the less, 2-percent of total income.
36. None the less, this is clearly a circumstantial case.
37. None the less, Monk and Coltrane devotees will savor this summit meeting.
38. None the less, he is also a former House member and an acknowledged contender who currently holds the third ranking Senate leadership slot.
39. Marx none the less believed that an external reality did exist, and that human consciousness could understand it.
40. As uplifting as a gallows, maybe, but a rewarding experiment in instrumentation none the less.
41. None the less, enough boys are surviving school with their masculinity intact to deeply distress the liberationists.
42. Note that while the dog's body remains still it is none the less alert and watchful, awaiting further instructions from its owner.
43. None the less, many physicists agree that the new antenna is a simple, yet particularly clever idea.
44. He none the less walked right in and took charge, with no apparent hesitation, reluctance, shyness or lack of confidence.
45. None the less, Henry did not rush headlong down the road to schism.
46. It has, none the less, saved millions of families from hunger, homelessness, physical assault, and total despair.
47. None the less, he was aware of John's vulnerability and John's need to be protected by adults against his destructive impulses.
48. None the less, he felt annoyed at Eleanor for trying to wring sympathy out of him in this way.
49. Difficult or not, I none the less believe that we should seek less formal settings.
49. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50. However, others - minorities, but none the less important for that - prefer different payment methods.
51. None the less, the concepts are powerful and provide a way into understanding the more detailed managerial explanations that follow later.
52. None the less, Ace hoped that Daak's flamboyant display of aerobatics had dislodged whatever creature had been on the hull.
53. None the less, it is clear that large differences between individuals exist.
54. It is an area of study with a strong academic bias, the foundations of which were none the less in local exploration.
55. None the less, great care is taken in organisations to ensure that the membership is identified and kept under review.
56. None the less, the state fair was going on as scheduled.
57. None the less, he is, all in all, glad he went to Tufts.
58. We see her now, looking pretty damned great, but with those ferrets none the less on the loose.
59. This usually occurred indirectly, but none the less effectively introducing this information which Parliament had tried to rule out as admissible evidence.
60. None the less there can be great ceremony associated with a Low Church communion.
61. The railway none the less became the symbol of progress without which national aspirations had no hope of achievement.
62. As welcome as these changes were, they none the less produced strains within the institution.
63. None the less, groups periodically emerge to articulate demands for political, social, and economic changes.
64. A redneck to his roots, Johnson none the less embraced equality between colors and classes as his ticket to historical heaven.
65. Shrinking numbers Falling birthrates and statistical ambiguities aside, there has none the less been a major exodus.
66. None the less, many gay men followed the advice to reduce partners.
67. None the less, the lack of enthusiasm for Dole is hard to miss.
68. Whilst a mirror can allow a clear view of a painted ceiling, it can none the less be disorientating and disquieting.
69. But he argues that rule-making is none the less a useful device, and that it is often preferable to direct action.
70. None the less, a person who gives reasons is engaging in a valuable activity.
71. None the less, several very successful businessmen are convinced that the public will gobble up interactive services if they are made available.
72. None the less, he has cut his full-year profits forecast from £235 million to £220 million.
73. Perhaps a bit miscast, and with a penchant for too many double-takes, Perry none the less is game.
74. None the less, they hold on because they expect much bigger earnings in the future to eventually fuel dividend payments.
75. They none the less strengthened the authority of the republican leaderships as they gradually extended their effective control over local affairs.
76. None the less, there is still concern about exactly how the 80 percent is to be measured.
77. It is none the less consistent with the purposes of the analysis.
78. An uneasy contradiction, none the less, cuts across this apparent serenity.
79. None the less,(http:///none the.html) there is cautious optimism at the dawning of a new age.
80. None the less by 1994 Buckland believes that Lan Server should comply to this new standard for distributed systems.
81. None the less, in most sociopolitical systems a few people do assume the positions of executive power.
82. There are constraints-the courts provide a lot of constraints, for example-but none the less, the e is considerable autonomy in this work.
83. None the less, great feats of mental gymnastics were per-formed to make them into atmospheric phenomena.
84. Julia was unsure whether it was the moment to serve the beef or not but she did so none the less.
85. None the less, the dealers who were gathered with him at the wine bar succeeded in changing his mind.
86. None the less, the music demands attention, and those in search of something rewarding but well off the beaten track and need not hesitate unduly.
87. None the less, an element of mild flirtation makes office life more pleasant.
88. None the less we are twinned with a small town in Hampshire with which we have no real connection.
89. Everyman wasn't as comprehensive and incisive as it might have been, but it was an intriguing, doleful documentary none the less.
90. None the less, I try to fathom: I read the histories.
91. George was none the less stimulating the cortex, but at another spot, a short distance away from the previous site.
92. Compared to this enormous influence of personal prejudice the influence of the media on economic perceptions was small but none the less significant.
93. But he is, none the less, the head of the family, the final arbiter.
94. None the less, Stern has insisted that Nico has endeavoured to handle the case fairly.
95. None the less, annual employee complaints filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have doubled.
96. None the less, this is the question Albright must now ask.
97. Who are these breadwinners who, while employed, are none the less still living with their families in poverty?
98. But the concerto, none the less, is completely Mozartian in character, and perfectly assured.
99. None the less the new document, approved by another referendum in October, still gave most authority to the National Assembly.
100. None the less, the central importance of interest rates is widely recognised.
101. None the less, everything important is included on Sony's single disc, which thus enjoys a considerable price advantage.
102. None the less, they could on occasion have considerable importance.
103. None the less, those governing these massive ancient empires had little notion of either legal equality or the right to independence.
104. None the less, judicial opinion about the use of cameras still remained divided after the Scopes trial.
105. None the less, one can get some useful mileage out of the 1960s surveys, before moving on to an historical account.
106. None the less the young couple eventually married, which in the face of so much Glover resistance undoubtedly took some strength and resolve.
107. Mrs Webster, though not entirely sure that they were unnecessarily worried, pitied their anxiety none the less.
108. None the less the connections with academic scholars and institutions were essential to programs at Hull House.
109. None the less, the earth's magnetic field is a much more reliable guide.
109. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
110. None the less, the past does exert its moulding influence upon us.
111. None the less, we must also acknowledge that most often reconciliation does not occur.
112. However inadequate she was proving as an antidote to his nightmares she was, none the less, an attractive asset during the day.
113. None the less, class remained the most important predictor of how an elector might vote.
114. None the less, the success of this program was incomplete.
115. Rodgers, hailed none the less as a hero in papers across the country, was renowned for being taciturn.
116. None the less, Wood said he has destroyed all of Mary Lou's tapes to ensure that she will not be further hassled.
117. None the less, the plaintiffs can move immediately to seize his assets.
118. None the less, there is probably no major public university campus quite as racially and ethnically diverse as Cal.
119. None the less, the employers were intent on fierce resistance.
120. But none the less the distinction is as real as the enduring feud between Capulets and Montagues in Romeo and Juliet.
121. We have none the less put in an application to them for word-processing equipment, but this is obviously a one-off capital item.
122. In the conventional wisdom, none the less, the balanced budget remained of paramount importance.
123. None the less, there remains a definite place for monopoly within the framework of analysis we have developed.
124. The Ashby Report did not make a dramatic impact upon the Eastern District, but it was important none the less.
125. Hyperbole, perhaps, but this meeting of two of world football's traditionally strongest sides should none the less prove highly informative.
126. None the less, three views consistent with historical materialism can be found in diverse works by Marx and Engels.
127. It was none the less a moment of grave concern to unbelievers of any reliable militancy.
128. None the less there is disagreement among the sources about the proper interpretation of a modality of this kind.
129. None the less, they are not always willing or able to deploy this skill.
130. None the less, lack of money in a job does not have to mean a complete change.
131. None the less I am pleased that I did so and grateful to the SOED-sponsored grant scheme for assistance.
132. None the less, an improved second half performance will bolster their confidence for next week's Division 2 crunch game against Ballymena.
133. None the less other work has confirmed Pahl's view that inmigration would lead to social segregation.
134. Somewhat softened by wind erosion, the surface none the less looked more like the lunar highlands than like anything on Earth.
135. Leland added: Since none the less the gentry of the vicinity were anything but affluent, the profits may have been largely illusory.
136. None the less, the auctioneer does not, in the absence of a contrary agreement, warrant the vendor's title.
137. None the less the motivation for it would come increasingly from the scholarship roles of the sociologists in society.
138. None the less, Zahedi had easy access to Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carters national security adviser.
139. None the less, simple systems are widely used to do abinitio calculations accurate enough to answer important questions for reasonably complex molecules.
140. None the less many writers seem to imply that it is, and as a result their position is unclear.
141. They differed in the seemingly trivial but none the less diagnostic character of having not one but two pairs of antennae on their heads.
142. None the less, at the end of each day there will be a small net flow into some banks and out of others.
143. None the less his reputation as at once the most searching and accessible of contemporary composers has not diminished.
144. It is none the less evident from her poetry that at different times she was visited by aspiring poets and dramatists.
145. None the less, some attempts were made to provide local, preferential credit.
146. Although most readers of this book are probably only too well aware of these rates, a brief comment is none the less appropriate.
147. He was none the less a popular candidate for their teasing.
148. Although Leapor accepts that many women are guilty of inconstancy and immoderate behaviour, she none the less holds out the prospect of transformation.
149. None the less, no positive action to improve race relations in Washington was taken.
150. None the less, even in this period, the economy has been subjected to fairly regular cycles of minor expansions and recessions.
151. None the less, it is possible to exaggerate the extent of these limitations.
152. None the less, certain collectivities acquire a certain salience or pertinence in relation to the dominant political issues of a given period.
153. None the less, there is more than one pattern of results which could produce a significant average correlation between risk and recall.
154. The action doesn't quite live up to the presentation: it's simple overhead-view stuff with no frills, but fun none the less.
155. None the less, park officials are giving some thought to providing a female companion for the albino alligator, Boyer said.
156. When she none the less returned to school, the board president had her arrested for disturbing the peace.
157. None the less a good deal of basic information can still be portrayed with the traditional concept of population density based on administrative units.
158. Jerome had just changed his, but he was none the less still in a very bad mood.
159. This reaction is fairly typical for children who have some problems with aggression but who none the less have good potential.
160. Jim could none the less tell by his anxious face that something was wrong.
161. None the less, volunteers were asked to rate them according to how funny they found them.
162. The story behind the rumour is so curious, however, that it is worth telling none the less.
163. Given the constraints of magazine as medium, View Camera none the less captures the spirit, if not the essence.
164. None the less, there were also women who chose against marriage in order to retain personal freedom.
165. None the less Tupac headed a youth group, the New Afrikan Panthers, performing at community centres.
166. None the less, Darwinians began to think that perhaps human history might be illuminated by a beam of evolutionary light.
167. None the less, it should not surprise you to know that these people rarely prepare weather forecasts.
168. None the less, research and development in post-war fighter aircraft went forward at a brisk pace and over a wide range of options.
169. None the less, a cursory review of the facts should ease their agitation.
169. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
170. None the less, the moral imperatives that are intrinsic to the student role will always reassert themselves.
171. None the less, such instances tend to be exceptions to the rule.
172. It is, none the less, advantageous for him to have his flock increased in this way.
173. None the less, there are always people waiting in the wings to discredit a positive image.
174. None the less, an inquiry by Youth Allyah in the autumn of 1940 revealed a persistently unsatisfactory state of affairs.
175. None the less, as we shall see, class provides the most important indicator of partisan support.
176. None the less, they did so well that from then on Emma was asked to contribute on a regular basis.
177. Reasons which authoritative directives should, but fail to, reflect are none the less among the reasons which justify holding the directives binding.
178. None the less, the Majeeds were added to the guest list.
179. None the less it is perhaps surprising that the librarian has not crossed swords with the law over obscene and indecent literature before now.
180. Perhaps not as comfortable or as durable as it could be, but good value for money, none the less.
181. None the less the fact remains that the presence of descent groups tells us nothing directly about domestic organization.
182. But it's a very polished and highly enjoyable game none the less.
183. Improving prescribing None the less real improvements could be made in prescribing, and fundholders have shown savings.
184. Always slightly befuddled, Bennett none the less gets by on his academic prowess.
185. The necessary question, none the less, must be addressed: What is it that these networks are connecting?
186. Gretzky had none the less produced exactly the sort of moment that enabled scalpers to fetch hundreds of dollars for tickets.
187. Yet the rich nuances of the voice clearly convey the message none the less.
188. The number of applications for judicial review has none the less increased significantly over the past decade.
189. Some members of management committees none the less throw themselves into their new role with enthusiasm.
190. None the less, there are some aspects to the present acid house craze which distinguish it from its predecessors and which need attention.
191. None the less, they are worth considering, because they help us to understand both the origin and the artificiality of feudalism.
192. None the less, the effort of the sociologists to exonerate welfare as a special cause of the ghetto crisis was statistically deceitful.
193. None the less, we must admit to grave reservations about what passes for training in the typical self-defeating organization.
194. None the less those who engaged in frequent political discussions became particularly aware of the Conservative Party's stress on defence.
195. Despite his wonderfully unattractive and humourless appearance, his exotic origins none the less gave rise to an extraordinary rumour.
196. None the less, consumers and businesses alike are, in the aggregate, deeper in debt than ever before.
197. She'd let herself go, last night - but she was none the worse for it, was she?
198. None the less, a number of children with severe learning difficulties are integrated into mainstream schools in groups younger than their own age.
199. None the less, anthropology soon became an independent academic study, first by amateurs, and later by university researchers.
200. None the less, as a recent television documentary showed, women still rise to this challenge.
201. None the less, such was his amicable nature that all welcomed him as a playing companion.
202. None the less, the ponderous inspection machinery clanked into action.
203. But ceremonial and precedence none the less remained until well into the eighteenth century a factor of importance in international relations.
204. None the less, logistics problems of making books available in special and academic libraries remain, and warrant research.
205. Other students, while constantly feeling the pressure of hostility and homophobia, have been none the less extremely successful during their college years.
206. For a time, none the less, the Congregationalist clergy closed ranks around the Suspect Mayhew against the great enemy that Caner represented.
207. Making money and turning out literate graduates are themselves formidable tasks, made none the easier when burdened with idealistic moral baggage.
208. This stark contrast is not invention, but it is none the less unhistorical.
209. None the less the king did summon the officers of the Exchequer to join him in Oxford.
210. The extent to which educational skills are needed in broadcasting can none the less be exaggerated.
211. Bob Dole none the less remains the front-runner in the race to win the Republican presidential nomination.
212. None the less, nationalization still bore the mark of long struggles by the labour movement to further working class interests.
213. None the less, it has its own special flavour which is of equal value.
214. None the less, disrespect for the law and the general customs of society are commonly a sign of addictive disease.
215. These things have to be taken into consideration when calculating dates, but the method is none the less valuable.
216. He is none the less vigorous for his years.
217. I like him none the worse for being outspoken.
218. Nell was none the slower in going away for this remark.
219. Nim's suit had been returned, seeming none the worse for its sojourn on the coal conveyor.
220. None the less, quickly he came back tuff in 2001 with courage and determination.
221. At the time of the most recent follow - up , none the hips had required total hip arthroplasty.




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