随便看 |
- not to mention sth
- not too bad
- not too/so bad
- not to put too fine a point on it
- not to say
- not touch
- not touch a hair of head
- not touch a hair of sb head
- not touch a hair of somebody's head
- not touch a hair on head
- not touch a hair on sb head
- not touch a hair on somebody's head
- not touch sb
- not touch sb with a bargepole
- not touch somebody
- not touch somebody/something
- not touch somebody with a bargepole
- not touch something
- not touch something/somebody (with a bargepole)
- not touch something with a bargepole
- not touch sth
- not touch sth with a bargepole
- not touch with a bargepole
- not to worry
- not trouble to do
- Pedant
- Libelous
- Tout
- Epiphany
- Recrimination
- Milquetoast
- Be equal to
- Be independent of
- Be afraid of
- Expression
- 君子之为》原文|译文|赏析
- 君子之为书,犹工人之为器也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 君子之为君子也,一人死而万人寿,一人痛而万人愈,一人忧而万人乐,一人劳而万人逸
- 君子之为善也,以为理所当为,非要福,非干禄;其不为不善也,以为理所不当为,非惧祸,非远罪。至于垂世教则谆谆以祸福刑赏为言,此天地圣王劝惩之大权,君子不敢不奉若而与众共守也。
- 君子之为学也,没身而已矣
- 君子之事君也,道则直身而行,礼则鞠躬而尽,诚则开心而献,祸福荣辱则顺命而受。
- 君子之于事也,行乎其所不得不行,止乎其所不得不止;于言也,语乎其所不得不语,默乎其所不得不默,尤悔庶几寡矣。
- 君子之于人也,苟有善焉,无所不取
- 君子之于子,爱之而勿面,使之而勿貌,导之以道而勿强
- 君子之于子,爱之而勿面,使之而勿貌,导之以道而勿强。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 君子之于学也,其不懈犹上天之动,犹日月之行,终身亹亹,没而后已
- 君子之于道也,犹农夫之耕,虽不获年,优之无以易也
- 君子之于风俗也,守先王之礼而俭约是崇,不妄开事端以贻可长之渐。是故漆器不至金玉而刻镂之不止,黼黻不至庶人锦绣被墙屋不止。民贫盗起不顾也,严刑峻法莫禁也。是故君子谨其事端,不开人情窦而恣小人无厌之欲。
- 君子之交也,以道义合,以志契亲,故淡而成焉;小人之接也,以势利结,以狎慢密,故甘而败焉
- 君子之交怕激,小人之交怕合。斯二者,祸人之国,其罪均也。
- Rehydration句子
- Cosmically句子
- Dissolutely句子
- Send over句子
- Wernicke's area句子
- Guillemot句子
- Glossiness句子
- Broca's area句子
- In due time句子
- Photoperiodism句子
- In a bad way句子
- Hem in句子
- Ampule句子
- Fraudulently句子
- Guardedly句子