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单词 Up and down
1 He stared me up and down.
2 The children were jumping up and down with excitement.
3 She was wandering aimlessly up and down the road.
4 He strutted up and down before the manager.
5 The children jumped up and down to keep warm.
6 He tramped up and down in the office.
7 Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.
8 The boat bobbed gently up and down on the water.
9 I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.
10 A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.
11 The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea.
12 It's very hard to turn the wick up and down.
13 In the harbour,[] the boats bobbed gently up and down on the water.
14 The cork on a fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.
15 Two oxen yoked to a plough walked wearily up and down the field.
16 At its most terrifying, his writing sends shivers up and down my spine.
17 She paced up and down outside the room.
18 His eyes moved up and down the rows.
19 The child stared the stranger up and down.
20 He paced up and down, fulminating against Thomas.
21 My relationship with him was up and down.
22 He paced nervously up and down on the platform.
23 She swam up and down, practising the crawl.
24 Shivers ran up and down my body.
25 She bounced up and down excitedly on the bed.
26 The sea heaved up and down beneath the boat.
27 He was jumping up and down with excitement.
28 She paraded up and down in her new hat.
29 Fans were jumping up and down and cheering.
30 Insert the special cleaning thread between your teeth and pull it gently up and down.
1 He stared me up and down.
2 The children were jumping up and down with excitement.
3 The children jumped up and down to keep warm.
4 Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.
5 Insert the special cleaning thread between your teeth and pull it gently up and down.
6 The boat bobbed gently up and down on the water.
7 I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.
8 The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea.
9 In the harbour, the boats bobbed gently up and down on the water.
10 Two oxen yoked to a plough walked wearily up and down the field.
11 At its most terrifying, his writing sends shivers up and down my spine.
12 He paced nervously up and down on the platform.
13 She was jumping up and down.
14 William hopped up and down to keep warm.
15 Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buildings on cradles.
31 Tiny boats bobbed up and down in the harbour.
32 He leapt up and down in sheer outrage.
33 He paced up and down distractedly.
34 Stop bouncing up and down on the sofa.
34 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
35 I looked up and down the corridor.
36 The escalator wafts us up and down every day.
37 She was jumping up and down.
38 He kept pumping my hand up and down.
39 He looked up and down the rain-swept street.
40 His plane swooped a beautiful curve up and down.
41 He looked the applicant up and down.
42 The boat bobbed up and down on the water.
43 The old bus jogged up and down.
44 They cruised up and down the coast road.
45 He paced up and down the sitting room.
46 She was always gadding up and down the world.
47 The boat bobbed up and down on/in the water.
48 The piston slides noiselessly up and down.
49 The dog ran up and down, yelping.
50 The Tokyo stock market see-sawed up and down.
51 Ralph paced up and down the room, looking worried.
52 William hopped up and down to keep warm.
53 I walked up and down distractedly, waiting for news.
54 She paced restlessly up and down.
55 The monkey is beating up and down.
56 He was running up and down the path, shouting.
57 He looked me up and down and then asked me a few questions.
58 Fishermen in small boats ply their trade up and down the coast.
59 We've spent all day humping furniture up and down stairs.
60 I didn't like the way he looked me up and down before speaking to me.
61 All up and down the street the windows bang shut.
62 He paced up and down , waiting for the train.
63 He paced up and down restlessly, trying to put his thoughts in order.
64 The street was full of boys roaring up and down on their motorbikes.
65 She's been very up and down since her husband went into hospital.
66 Whenever their team scored a goal,[Sentencedict] they leapt up and down clanking their beer cans together.
67 A trio of girls in extremely tight shorts paraded up and down.
68 Cinemas up and down the country are reporting huge audiences for the film.
69 The arrow on the computer screen danced up and down in front of my eyes.
70 Do you get puffed out running up and down the stairs?
71 The mother is jumping her baby up and down on her knees.
72 He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match.
73 On an oscilloscope, you can see an electrical current oscillate up and down.
74 She walked up and down, flapping her arms to keep warm.
75 The performers, in costume and make-up, were walking up and down backstage.
76 Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buildings on cradles.
77 There's a lot of rushing up and down the gangways.
78 The people waiting for the train paced up and down the platform.
79 Jason's been very up and down since his girlfriend left him.
80 He looked her up and down and decided to ask her out.
81 The old truck jogged us up and down for an hour before we arrived.
82 He kept bouncing up and down like a yo-yo .
83 People were parading up and down showing off their finest clothes.
84 My little daughter started jumping up and down with rage when she heard she couldn't go.
85 Tell the children not to bounce up and down on the bed.
86 As the plane was tossed up and down, the pilot tried to stabilise it.
87 This is a subject very dear to the hearts of academics up and down the country.
88 The ship pitched up and down/from side to side in the rough seas.
89 The girls spent the afternoon trotting up and down the beach.
90 They were all jumping up and down and screaming excitedly.
91 You can scroll through the text using the up and down arrow keys.
92 'Wake up,' he said, jiggling up and down on the bed.
93 He kept walking up and down, which was a sure sign he was worried.
94 The price of petrol is going up and down like a Yo-Yo.
95 Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right.
96 I spent a fruitless ten minutes walking up and down the high street, desperately avoiding eye contact with passers-by.
97 He got up and began to pace up and down the garden.
98 I found Mark at the hospital, pacing restlessly up and down .
99 "What is wrong with you, acting like that," she raved, pacing up and down frantically.
100 The waves were about five feet now, and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down.
101 He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming and stomping up and down like a child.
102 Bill's jumping up and down because Mark didn't get his report finished in time.
103 Maisie looked her rival up and down with a critical eye.
104 He paced up and down, waiting for the doctor to call.
105 The lion paced restlessly up and down in its cage.
106 Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buidings on cradles.
107 Then I noticed the car was bouncing up and down as if someone were jumping on it.
108 He looked up and down the corridor, meaty hands resting on his thighs.
109 The girl bobbed up and down in the water, waving for help.
110 Prices have gone up and down like a seesaw this year.
111 I strolled up and down thoughtfully before calling a taxi.
112 She was pacing up and down in front of her desk.
113 Dooley was bouncing up and down with excitement.
114 He was connected all up and down the Cape.
115 It sounded like small animals running up and down.
116 You then bounce up and down until you stop.
117 Lincoln jumped up and down, breathing hard.
118 Is the opponent bouncing up and down?
119 Thousands of fans up and down the country plan one minute's peaceful demonstration to coincide with weekend kickoffs.
120 Microwaves have been adopted by busy people up and down the country.
121 How would you like to be chained to a stick and peddled up and down the street like a stuffed doll?
122 Byrne says that they added to the confusion by jumping up and down and shouting with glee.
123 Nowadays pleasure craft use the lift, going up and down within an impressive structure of tubular iron.
124 As I crept downstairs, I could hear Mr Rochester in his room, walking up and down and sighing.
125 Jazz was still powering up and down, deaf to Nails's pleas.
126 A light bobbed up and down further along the corridor, accompanied by the sound of running footsteps.
127 She was bipolar as well: up and down, fidgety and despondent.
128 However, by using the up and down arrow keys, the display area can be scrolled to access any remaining lines.
129 He and I used to row our boats up and down the river together.
130 To browse the groups, click inside the Newsgroups window and scroll up and down using your arrow keys or mouse wheel.
131 We sat bouncing up and down in our seats for the excitement.
132 He ignored me, jerked up and down and wailed bitterly as he clung to her.
133 Sometimes the tribe's Big'uns recognised their old leader as he stomped up and down the battle lines bawling at his lads.
134 In the mob I could see Sally's tawny head bobbing up and down.
135 And he banged the gun up and down on the gate.
136 The whole place reverberated with noise, feet pounding up and down stairs, children yelling, women shouting, doors banging.
137 They look like some sort of animal, bouncing up and down like that.
138 You don't have to bob up and down like that.
139 These self-appointed assistants sped swiftly up and down the corridor, wakening their companions and spreading the good news.
140 It was Friday night and the kids were out cruising up and down Main Street.
141 For ten minutes I never saw my float as the fish cruised up and down.
142 It would have been enormous fun, she thought wistfully, to help work Water Gypsy up and down the canal system.
143 Piper wagged his hand up and down like a broken automaton.
144 Every Tuesday her fat little fingers flew like birds up and down the keys of the piano.
145 He blackened one eye, left scratches up and down her neck and scraped the flesh off her hipbones.
146 As he paced up and down the narrow kitchen, shouting curses through the bedroom door, Constance smiled.
147 There's these springy sort of things bouncing up and down on a string like they're alive.
148 He sputtered up and down the aisle, saying the man should be behind bars.
149 Anthea was told to interview some one while bouncing up and down on a trampoline.
150 Few of us bounce up and down in glee at the prospect of paying taxes.
151 All night he parades up and down the bar like a brawny old cockerel.
152 You can use the up and down arrow keys to move from line to line.
153 Thus Hamilton cruised up and down the coast, out of touch with what was happening on the beaches.
154 Raul looked him up and down,[http:///up and down.html] eyes opened wide with derision.
155 Try cycling up and down like this for about an hour.
156 Different sweeps - sideways, front and back, or up and down - each alter different musical attributes.
157 Inflation goes up and down depending on the state of the economy.
158 She jumps up and down and runs around in circles.
159 His bushy black brows, liberally sprinkled with grey, moved up and down in time to the music.
160 My voice was wobbling up and down like Sally Field accepting an award.
161 A pair of sharp black eyes looked her up and down out of the most wasted features Miss Kyte had ever seen.
162 Above these are the two main bedrooms with their spectacular views up and down the lake.
163 The crowds waved and cheered him on, the boats bobbing up and down in the estuary.
164 Her feathers were rippling up and down like leaves in the breeze as she struggled to get a secure footing on me.
165 The Feldwebel bounced up and down on his seat with laughter as he had done in the car at Amsterdam.
166 Damp women bundled shopping bags and prams up and down the pavement.
167 A fair swell was running, and the boat bobbed up and down like a cork on the surface.
168 A tiger in a zoo paces up and down the cage and can worry like crazy about a ball of string.
169 Do 20 walking jogs, raising the arms up and down.Then jog properly for as long as possible.
170 Michael looked her up and down, his lips curling with contempt.
171 At the mention of ice cream the little girl became excited and animated, bouncing up and down on the bed.
172 The rest bobbed up and down at chin height, or remained by the bathing-machine steps.
173 Jealous of her. I bet it really got him going seeing my little pink dimples bobbing up and down there.
174 The floor was bobbing up and down as on a ship.
175 Aileen was so nervous that her whole body was bobbing up and down as she chewed gum.
176 Martha came forward to help, and Miss Mary looked carefully at Colin's thin white back, up and down.
177 The leaves of the giant rubber plants bounce up and down.
178 It's like a little boat, bobbing there, up and down.
179 Gum Boots would have swallowed if he could have stopped his Adam's apple from rushing up and down his neck.
180 Men in civilian clothes moved up and down the steps leading into the narrow three-storey building.
181 I started up the bagpipes and was soon under way, marching up and down the church hall.
182 Balvinder jumped up and down, punched the air, then promptly confronted the man with whom he had made the bet.
183 The vicar paced behind, holding his prayer book, his hair floating up and down in the draught from the door.
184 The carousel turns around while the horses go up and down.
185 To the eight children who cycle up and down the central corridor, the lifestyle has a definite appeal.
186 He looked desperately up and down the road for a woman who fitted her description.
187 The two great detectives prowled up and down the village street dogged by the two official policemen.
188 All of us are like stairs, one step after another, going up and down,(http:///up and down.html) but all going the same way. Amy Tan 
189 Ride up and down in a chauffeur-driven limousine, smoking big cigars.
190 And it's Zack who gets the crowd bouncing up and down in time to his dazzling raps.
191 Others die from collisions with vessels travelling up and down the river, and from explosions carried out during river bank construction.
192 Then he flexed his knees and bounced up and down.
193 On the night after our arrival in Tokyo, I saw neon lights dancing up and down the streets of the Ginza.
194 Harrison spent much time visiting other clinics up and down the country advising on how they might be run more efficiently.
195 Doors were opening up and down the street, casement windows were flung wide and shouts were heard.
196 The required names should be entered, using the up and down arrow keys to move about the scrolled area.
197 Exhorting him to breathe deeply they paraded him up and down beside the wire fence.
198 Mr. Vinegar took hold of the cow's halter and led her up and down the street.
199 As these contrary properties strive with each other they move towards unity and harmony, the concepts draw near to each other and "the path up and down is one and the same."
200 Some fans of fishing claim that a good day fishing is when you close your eyes at night to go to sleep and STILL see the bobber bouncing up and down.
201 Piscine on line bobber is vibrating up and down, enrol all the way in water.
202 Every time the little hand is red with cold, up and down all the dripping wet.
203 "Displacer" ( E ) should be in the middle of it's travel up and down.
204 As a result, the price jigs up and down all day like those of pork bellies or wholesale power (see chart).
205 The woman of a height with coquettish slim physique wanders up and down uneasily nearby.
206 Seat post fits into sliding seat block and can slide up and down to adjust for height.
207 To Croft's keyed senses, the sound echoed up and down the river.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 13:47:09