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单词 egg
释义  Related topics: Biology, Food, Humanldoce_082_eegg1 /eɡ/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  bird 鸟类 [countable]HB a round object with a hard surface, that contains a baby bird, snake, insect etc and which is produced by a female bird, snake, insect etc 〔鸟类、蛇等的〕蛋;〔昆虫等的〕卵 Blackbirds lay their eggs in March. 乌鸫在3月产蛋。 an ostrich egg 鸵鸟蛋 The eggs hatch (=break open to allow the baby out) in 26 days. 这些蛋要26天才能孵化。 →5  See picture of boiled eggs 煮蛋, fried egg 煎蛋, poached egg 荷包蛋, scrambled eggs 炒蛋 →4  See picture of 见图 egg2  DFfood 食物 [countable, uncountable] an egg, especially one from a chicken, that is used for food 〔作食物的〕蛋;鸡蛋fried/poached/boiled etc eggs 煎蛋/荷包蛋/煮蛋等 Joe always has bacon and egg for breakfast. 乔早餐总是吃熏肉加蛋。 Whisk the egg white (=the white part) until stiff. 把蛋白打到黏稠状。 Beat in two of the egg yolks (=the yellow part). 把其中两个蛋黄打进去。 → scrambled egg3  egg shape 蛋形 [countable] something the same shape as an egg 蛋状物 a chocolate Easter egg 复活节巧克力蛋 → Easter egg4. animals/people 动物/人类 [countable]HBH a cell produced by a woman or female animal that combines with sperm (=male cell) to make a baby 卵,卵细胞 SYN ovum5  (have) egg on your face EMBARRASSEDif someone, especially someone in authority, has egg on their face, they have been made to look stupid by something embarrassing 〔尤指有权威的人〕丢脸,出丑 The Pentagon’s been left with egg on its face. 五角大楼颜面尽失。6  put all your eggs in one basket DEPEND ON/RELY ONto depend completely on one thing or one course of action in order to get success, so that you have no other plans if this fails 把一切希望寄托于一件事上;孤注一掷 When planning your investments, it’s unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. 在计划投资时,把所有钱投往一处的做法是不明智的。7. lay an egg American English informalFAIL to fail or be unsuccessful at something that you are trying to do 失败,不成功8. good egg old-fashionedGOOD/MORAL someone who you can depend on to be honest, kind etc 好人 → kill the goose that lays the golden egg at kill1(14), → nest eggExamples from the Corpusegg• We had fried eggs for breakfast.• In an invasive procedure, a doctor could extract one of her eggs and try to fertilize it in a test tube.• Her egg will therefore grow into a small, stunted wasp.• One large egg, for instance, contains about 213 milligrams of cholesterol.• Only after several days does it fuse with the egg and so complete the long process of fertilisation.• The eggs had been microwaved, minus their shells, but with the yolks still intact.• There were the hens to be fed, their eggs to be collected.• Brush top of pie with egg.lay ... eggs• Adults grow to varying sizes, depending on food available, and lay eggs in late summer.• They will come flying up against the wind and lay their eggs, which will soon turn into white grubs.• Instead, it lays its eggs in nests of other birds, and depends on others to hatch and raise its young.• And they mate, laying their eggs in the shallow tepid pools.• They lay their eggs in midwinter, incubating their eggs and chicks through many blizzards.• In the Nematoda, the sexes are separate and the males are generally smaller than the females which lay eggs or larvae.fried/poached/boiled etc eggs• The next morning Mollie and I resumed the polishing and dusting after eating our muesli and boiled eggs.• We sat at the kitchen table eating bread, cheese, fried eggs and drank coffee.• Instant scrambled eggs, frozen fried eggs, canned eggnog, and many other convenient egg foods are being market tested.• Well, I love boiled eggs every day.• Aunt Edie served up a supper of fried eggs, bacon and tomatoes with bread and butter.• They breakfasted on sugared porridge, boiled eggs, bread and butter, and a pot of tea.• On the same block they went into a cafeteria and ordered two fried eggs for Isaac.• On it there was boiled eggs and things.egg2 verb  1 egg somebody ↔ on phrasal verb PERSUADEto encourage someone to do something, especially something that they do not want to do or should not do 怂恿;鼓动 Bob didn’t want to jump, but his friends kept egging him on. 鲍勃不想跳,可他的朋友一个劲地鼓动他。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusegg• This may be what some of those egging the freedom fighters on want to happen.• Sometimes they egg you on, you know.• So, reading through this book, you feel as thought Alwyn is looking over your shoulder, egging you on.Origin egg1 (1300-1400) Old Norse egg2 (1100-1200) Old Norse eggjaegg1 nounegg2 verbChinese  with hard object round that surface, Corpus a a




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