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单词 wilderness
释义  Related topics: Geographywil·der·ness /ˈwɪldənəs $ -dər-/ ●●○ noun [countable usually singular]  1  SGGROW PLANTS, VEGETABLES ETCa large area of land that has never been developed or farmed 荒野,不毛之地 the Alaskan wilderness 阿拉斯加荒原► see thesaurus at country2  CONTROLa place that seems no longer used or cared for by anyone 荒芜的地方;无人照管的地方 The garden was a wilderness. 那座花园一片荒芜。 The south side of the city had become a lawless wilderness. 这座城市的南部已成为法外之地。3  in/from/out of the wilderness TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDsomeone who is in the wilderness does not have power or is not involved in something in an important way at a particular time 在野/从在野的地位/不再处于在野地位 the re-emergence of Richard Nixon from the political wilderness in 1968 理查德•尼克松淡出政坛后于1968年的复出Examples from the Corpuswilderness• To the locals it was a wilderness they would rather have preserved for the hawks, the salmon and the mountaineers.• But, above all, they can make forests and wilderness, at the same time that they are making energy.• Each sovereign state has enacted legislation establishing national parks, scientific or scenic reserves and wilderness areas.• He pushed on in swamp and wilderness through Gulf Coast and lower Mississippi territories.• They have climbed mountains and canoed for eight-day stretches in isolated wilderness.• She had no companion in this snow wilderness with its circles of wire.• In these ancient, mountainous regions - the Alps and the Carpathians - the City stopped abruptly, edging the wilderness.• So I walked very softly up into the wilderness that Chimaera inhabited.Origin wilderness Old English wildeornes “land where wild animals live”, from wild deor “wild animal”wil·der·ness nounChineseSyllable  land Corpus never has a that area of been large




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