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单词 dutifully
释义  dut·i·ful·ly /ˈdjuːtɪfəli $ ˈduː-/ adverb  CORRECTif you do something dutifully, you do it because you think it is the correct way to behave 尽责地;忠诚地 I dutifully wrote down every word. 我尽责地写下了每一个字。Examples from the Corpusdutifully• Now they are being embalmed - dutifully and reverentially, as befits faithful but defunct servitors of mankind.• Alvin wrote rather dutifully in a thick bound diary he began to keep in September.• But dutifully she passed the bundle down into Rachaela's cold white arms.• Palmer always dutifully signs autographs without complaint.• He dutifully threw a few dead flower stalks into the fire, added some logs and then went off to find Kitty.• They came in and kissed her dutifully, with affection neither taken nor given.dut·i·ful·ly adverbChineseSyllable  it because you you you do dutifully, Corpus do something think if




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