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单词 dose
释义  Related topics: Drugs, medicinesdose1 /dəʊs $ doʊs/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  MDthe amount of a medicine or a drug that you should take 〔药物的〕一剂,一服;一次服用量dose of Never exceed the recommended dose of painkillers. 服用止痛药不可超过建议的剂量。high/low dose Start with a low dose and increase it. 从小剂量开始,然后再增加。2  UNPLEASANTan amount of something that you do or experience at one time, especially something unpleasant 一次,一番,一回〔尤指不愉快的经历〕a bad/mild dose of flu British English (=making you feel very ill or only slightly ill) 严重的/轻微的流感 Dave had a bad dose of flu. 戴夫得了严重的流感。lethal/fatal dose (of something) (=an amount that kills) (某物)致命的剂量 a lethal dose of radiation 致命的放射剂量 I quite like Jamie in small doses (=in limited amounts but not a lot or often). 如果偶尔在一起的话,我还是蛮喜欢杰米的。3  like a dose of salts FAST/QUICK British English informal very quickly and easily 很快且很轻易地 The cleaners went through the house like a dose of salts. 清洁工又快又轻松地把房子打扫了一遍。n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa high/large doseHigh doses of the drug can have bad side effects.a low/small doseTreatment should be started with a small dose.a daily doseThe study shows that a daily dose of aspirin may reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer.the recommended dose (=recommended by medical experts)The current recommended dose is 250 mg a day.a lethal/fatal dose (=an amount that kills you)She took a lethal dose of painkillers.a single doseThe medicine is given as a single dose.verbstake a dose of somethingHe had taken his usual dose of sleeping pills.give somebody a doseA nurse came in to give me a dose of antibiotics.exceed the dose (=take more of a medicine than is recommended)You should take care not to exceed the recommended dose of paracetamol.Examples from the Corpusdose• The Cosbys are getting a dose of what families of homicide and fatal accident victims get routinely.• She was given a dose of Hyper. 30 from her first-aid kit and sent to the neurologist.• Finding such a dose response would have made the case stronger.• A dose of old-fashioned repression dealt with some of the bold exceptions.• The banks need a healthy dose of competition.• The designation was made because at high doses, alcohol slows down the central nervous system.• About that proposition, a large dose of skepticism is in order.• The laxative dose required to treat constipation in the young child is much higher than the suggested doses on the label.high/low dose• Digitalis, a heart drug that can be fatal in higher doses, is derived from the foxglove plant.• Some side effects of high doses include acne, oily skin and insomnia.• Certain individuals get sleepy on low doses of alcohol and revved up on high doses-exactly the reverse of what most people experience.• Either lower or higher doses are then injected serially until the weal or the symptoms disappear.• Dissociation of initiation from propagation probably accounts for abortive spikes such as those observed in HeLa cells responding to low doses of histamine.• Drowsiness, impaired cognitive function, and impotence may be a problem with higher doses.• Astra refuses to conduct further rat studies with lower doses of ranitidine, saying that this is Glaxo's job.• In those with non-sustained ventricular tachycardia during electrocardiographic monitoring treatment with low dose amiodarone has been shown to be small doses• Many of these schemes have been tried before in small doses.• Problems with diamorphine include vomiting, bradycardia, and hypotension, but in small doses diamorphine is better than any sedative.• Prague was high on our list, and Paris, as a tonic, to be taken frequently in small doses.• This can be infectious in small doses, and her catchy anthem, Finally, is pop at its most celebratory.• Knock! jokes are okay in small doses - like one every second leap year.• It's a very amusing book if read in small doses.Related topics: Drugs, medicinesdose2 verb [transitive] (also dose up)  MDto give someone medicine or a drug 给〔某人〕服药dose somebody/yourself with something Sumi dosed herself up with aspirin and went to bed. 舒米服用了阿司匹林,然后就上床睡觉了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdose• It is generally price advantageous to specify powders although in use they may be more difficult to control and dose.• Elsie and Edith Port were so alike that Jennie dosed the wrong one with her cure for all ailments - castor oil.• When the children were ill, she dosed them with herb teas that she brewed herself.dose somebody/yourself with something• Well, I thought it was an infection and had been dosing myself with antibiotics accordingly.• When the children were ill, she dosed them with herb teas that she brewed herself.• Not only that, but my Lord Marc Antony regularly dosed himself with Nubian aphrodisiacs.• Our study allowed us to estimate dose equivalence from the dose response findings with salbutamol and salmeterol.• He kept abreast of committee minutes and in dose touch with the chairmen.• He used wholemeal flour to make bread, scones, pies and cakes, concocted elaborate salads and dosed himself with vitamins.Origin dose1 (1400-1500) French Greek dosis, from didonai “to give”dose1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1dose2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  a medicine or a you drug of that the Corpus amount




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