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单词 dosh
释义  dosh /dɒʃ $ dɑːʃ/ noun [uncountable] British English informal  MONEYmoney 钱Examples from the Corpusdosh• Which director is likely to make studios the most dosh?• Wherever your wheels take you, cycling is seriously good fun and saves you a heap of dosh!• He gave us loads of dosh, just for handing out leaflets.• Desperate for more titles, but haven't got the dosh?• He says if we don't come up with the dosh by Sunday, he's selling the car to someone else.From Longman Business Dictionarydoshdosh /dɒʃdɑːʃ/ noun [uncountable] British English informal moneyCycling is good fun and saves you heaps of dosh!Origin dosh (1800-1900) Perhaps from → DOSS1, from the idea of money to buy a place to sleepdosh nounChinese  money Corpus Business




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